What you need to eat to increase hemoglobin in a child. Foods that increase hemoglobin in children from a year old diet. Why is low hemoglobin dangerous?

A decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood leads to the development of anemia or anemia. Most often, it appears with lethargy, pallor of the skin, weakness, constant feeling of fatigue, loss of efficiency, decreased emotional tone, shortness of breath, palpitations at the slightest exertion, lack of appetite, and digestive disorders.

Iron deficiency negatively affects the appearance of a person. The skin and their appendages (nails and hair) react to the imbalance with increased fragility of the strands and nail plates, their delamination, excessive dryness of the epidermis, a bluish tint to the lips, the appearance of rashes, etc.

If these signs occur, you should immediately consult a doctor who, after collecting anamnesis and blood tests, will prescribe adequate therapy. In some cases, it is impossible to do without the use of iron-containing preparations and vitamin-mineral complexes. Also, the doctor will definitely suggest adjusting the diet and enriching the menu with products containing the maximum doses of iron.

According to the medical standards established by WHO, the average daily rate dietary iron intake is:

  • in men - from 10 to 15 mg;
  • in women - from 15 to 20 mg;
  • in pregnant women and breastfeeding - at least 30 mg.

When, after conducting laboratory blood tests, it turns out that the level of hemoglobin in a person is below normal, then the correction of the diet will be a mandatory recommendation of the doctor. According to nutritionists, certain foods can increase hemoglobin in the blood without the use of medications.

In order to correctly compose a diet menu for anemia, it is necessary to assess how many nutrients that increase the level of hemoglobin and the degree of absorption of iron from food are in the products present on our table.

What foods increase hemoglobin? Let's figure it out together, and for ease and convenience, we will list the products in the form of a table.

Products that increase hemoglobin in the blood (table)

Products that increase hemoglobin (table) and contain the maximum amount of iron - a list of products of animal and vegetable origin.

Name of animal products
Skim milk cheese35-37
Boiled clams: rapana, shrimps, squid, mussels, crabs, crayfish, oysters, etc.26-31
Hard cheeses18-19
Veal and beef liver9-11
Egg yolk: chicken, duck, goose, perpel6-9
Offal: heart, beef tongue, lungs, kidneys5-7
Rabbit meat, turkey3-4,5
Caviar caviar1,9
Name of herbal products Iron content in mg per 100 g
Halva tahini and sunflower, pomegranate and pomegranate juice33-45
Dried mushrooms: champignons, white, Polish, boletus, boletus, grandmother31-34
Wheat bran, oatmeal17-20
Molasses and all dried fruits, including dried apricots, apples, raisins, pears, prunes, etc.17-23
Brewer's yeast and seeds: poppy, sesame, pumpkin, sesame15-20
Cocoa and leafy greens: parsley, spinach, dill, celery11-13
Buckwheat, oatmeal, barley, wheat groats7-8
Fresh mushrooms, including wild ones6-7
Legumes: beans, lentils, peas, beans4-6
Raw nuts: almonds, cedar, hazelnuts, cashews, brazilian, walnuts4-5
Wheat flour3-3,2

As you can see, foods that quickly increase hemoglobin are not exotic fruits or delicacies that are inaccessible at prices for most of us. We are talking about the usual food for us, which is sold in any store. One has only to figure out which of the products contain high doses of iron and are easily absorbed by the human body.

When compiling a diet, it should be borne in mind that the absorption of the trace element iron from animal products is from 20 to 30%, and from plant foods - from 3 to 5%. Therefore, the rejection of meat and offal, fish, eggs and dairy foods, which is typical for adherents of a raw food diet and vegetarianism, often leads to iron deficiency and a decrease in hemoglobin levels in the blood.

Fans of strict diets aimed at intensive weight loss are at risk of earning anemia. The lack of animal food in the diet, which is the main supplier of iron, as well as the imbalance of the menu can lead to serious violations of the functions of all organs and systems, including hematopoietic.

For maximum absorption of iron from incoming food, the presence of the following vitamins is necessary: ​​C (ascorbic acid), B9 ( folic acid) and B12 (cyanocobalamin).

That is, in the presence of these compounds, the microelement is absorbed in the intestine to the greatest extent. Therefore, in addition to the iron-containing products listed in the table, the following products should be included in the daily menu.

The best sources of vitamin C are: rose hips, sweet bell pepper, especially red varieties, blackcurrant, huava, kiwi, horseradish, sea buckthorn, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and cauliflower, sauerkraut, parsley, radish, all citrus fruits, strawberries, wild strawberries, pineapple, dried fruits.

The best sources of vitamin B9 are: beef liver, brewer's yeast, peanuts, legumes, seeds, kelp (seaweed), spinach, dandelion leaves and other leafy greens, cod liver, avocados, apricots, dried fruits.

The best sources of vitamin B12 are: beef liver and other offal, rabbit and turkey meat, beef, lamb, hard cheeses, sea ​​fish and all seafood, including seaweed, soybeans, egg yolks, brewer's yeast.

As you can see, some foods are rich in iron, ascorbic acid and B vitamins at the same time. Thus, we can conclude that best increases hemoglobin the following food:

  1. Beef and all offal.
  2. Seafood.
  3. Brewer's yeast.
  4. Cheeses.
  5. Sea fish.
  6. Berries, seeds and dried fruits.

Enriching the diet with fish and meat purees with the addition of greens is an ideal option for complementary foods that should be introduced gradually.

Oatmeal, rye bread, egg yolk, dried fruits instead of sweets, peaches, apricots, apples and plums - this is what will help normalize hemoglobin levels in childhood in a short time.

How to quickly increase hemoglobin in pregnant women?

The menu of pregnant women should be varied and complete. In addition to the products listed in the table with a high iron content, nutritionists advise expectant mothers to drink freshly squeezed juices: pomegranate, tomato, apple, orange, grapefruit, rich in ascorbic acid and a whole complex of trace elements.

Naturally, these fruits should not cause allergies. Iron-rich plant foods, including spinach, parsley, dill, almonds, cedar, dried apricots, pumpkin, strawberries, watermelon, and brewer's yeast, are an ideal way to normalize blood composition in pregnant women.

What hinders the absorption of iron?

First of all, we are talking about caffeine. Coffee, black tea and energy drinks slow down the absorption of iron from food. Undeniable harm metabolic processes alcohol and nicotine.

So, to normalize the composition of the blood with the help of dietary nutrition is quite real challenge. The main thing is to follow all the recommendations of the specialist observing you and not be lazy to cook delicious, varied and nutritious dishes from the products mentioned in this article.

Be healthy!

Not only adults, but also children can suffer from low hemoglobin, and quite often. Low levels of this element in the blood may indicate that a failure has occurred in the baby's body and you need to immediately take measures to increase it. Of course, it is desirable that the appropriate therapy be prescribed by a doctor, but quite often it is possible to increase hemoglobin at home due to proper nutrition, folk remedies and taking certain drugs. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the age of the child, the possible allergic reaction for certain products and it is still important to consult with the appropriate specialist.

Boosting products

Quite often, in order to increase hemoglobin in a baby, it is necessary to balance his daily diet and add to it some foods that contain enough iron. So, the child is recommended to cook dishes from white chicken meat, chicken liver or beef heart and tongue. They are best served boiled, but can also be served as salads with sour cream, as well as pates and casseroles.

It is necessary that the child eats enough red and green varieties of apples. In addition, apricots and bananas, strawberries and persimmons, as well as pomegranates increase iron. It is recommended to consume these fruits raw or in the form of fresh salads. There will be no less benefit from eating vegetables. Potatoes cooked in the oven or boiled in uniforms have a particularly good effect on hemoglobin. In addition, there will be benefits from eating cabbage, greens and beets.

Fruits that increase hemoglobin in the blood

Due to the fact that the blood contains such an element as iron, it acquires a red color. Almost all chemical compounds containing oxide iron have a red tint.

It is also useful to eat a variety of seafood, such as shrimp, salmon and sardines. Lots of iron in soy. The child can be given pumpkin seeds, as well as a variety of cereals, especially buckwheat. In addition, it is recommended to include dried fruits and decoctions from them in the daily diet. Rose hips, raisins, dates, as well as dried apricots and figs are suitable for these purposes.

Healthy sweets

There will be a lot of benefit if the baby regularly eats ordinary green pea. Very useful beans and lentils. Iron is found in sufficient quantities in many berries, especially blueberries, cranberries and blackcurrant. They are recommended to be given not only in raw form, but also as fruit drinks, jelly and compotes. When choosing a diet for a child, it should be remembered that he should receive from ten to eighteen mg of iron daily, depending on age and gender.


Today, a large number of different drugs have been developed that are designed to increase hemoglobin. You can take medicines at home, but it is better if they are prescribed by the attending physician, who will help determine the dosage. A means to increase hemoglobin are synthetic compounds enriched with iron.

The most popular drugs with good efficacy are sorbifer-durules, irovit, as well as fefol and ferograd. Tardiferon-retard, ferrogradumet and heferol can help raise hemoglobin. Also, many doctors recommend taking ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluconate, and ferrous fumarate.

Examples of drugs

The greatest effect can be achieved by those preparations that are based on ferrous iron.. They penetrate the body very well and help to quickly bring hemoglobin values ​​back to normal. Such medicines should be given to the child after meals. Their dosage should be determined only by a doctor. It is worth noting that in some cases, individual intolerance to a particular drug may occur, and therefore, starting drug treatment you should consult with a specialist.


A positive effect on hemoglobin content is also exerted by some folk remedies . Yes, nettle contains a lot of iron.. A medicinal decoction is prepared from this plant. To do this, take a tablespoon of grass and pour boiling water over it, then insist for half an hour. The decoction is given to the child up to three times a day. Fresh nettles can also be added to vegetable salads.

Many doctors believe that in order to raise the level of hemoglobin, the patient must be more in the fresh air and be physically active.

Effectively increases hemoglobin and fresh beet juice, as well as rowan berry juice. The child can be regularly given a rosehip decoction. A mixture of walnuts and honey will help stabilize the iron content in the baby's body. A positive effect can be achieved if every day the child consumes one spoonful of germinated wheat.

It is worth noting that a low hemoglobin level in a child is a serious problem for parents.. You can bring this indicator to the norm at home, but in any case it is recommended to show the baby to a specialist. Parents should be aware that untimely treatment of symptoms of elevated hemoglobin can lead to serious consequences and the development of many diseases.

Hemoglobin is a special iron-containing protein that forms the basis of red blood cells (erythrocytes). It is this protein that is able to attach oxygen and carbon dioxide to its molecule, due to which these gases are transported by the blood and gas exchange is carried out.

In the alveoli of the lungs, oxygen is added to the protein and transferred to the tissues of the whole organism, and carbon dioxide is transported from the tissues. This is the main function of hemoglobin. For several reasons, the hemoglobin in a child can be low. Let's talk about how to increase the content of this substance in the baby's blood.

Hemoglobin norm

The normal level of hemoglobin is the range of its quantitative content sufficient to perform the main function. The norm of hemoglobin content differs depending on the age of the child. The hemoglobin level is determined using a clinical study of peripheral blood (blood is taken for analysis from a finger).

Hemoglobin norms in children (in g / l):

At birth - 180-240;

the first 3 days of life - 145-225;

2 weeks old - 125-205;

1 month - 100-180;

2 months - 90-140;

3-6 months - 95-135;

6-12 months - 100-140;

1-2mg. - 105-145;

3-6 l. - 110-150;

7-12 years old - 115-150;

13-15 l. - 115-155;

16-18 years - 120-160.

A decrease in the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells is characteristic for (popularly this disease is called "anemia"). But the amount of blood in anemia does not decrease (if there is no acute blood loss as a result of bleeding). Only the provision of tissues with oxygen is disturbed and oxygen starvation develops in the organs.

Causes of a decrease in hemoglobin levels

The reasons for low hemoglobin in children can be:

  • insufficient synthesis of it due to iron deficiency ();
  • acute blood loss (for example, due to trauma) or chronic (frequent or heavy periods in girls) - posthemorrhagic anemia;
  • increased destruction of red blood cells () due to exposure to toxic substances or in connection with the disease.

Children most often develop iron deficiency anemia.

Iron deficiency can occur for several reasons.

During fetal development, the child's body accumulates a supply of iron (from the mother's body), which is used to synthesize hemoglobin after the birth of the baby, and these reserves are sufficient for about six months.

If a pregnant woman had anemia, then the iron supply in the child will be insufficient, and anemia in the baby will develop already in the first six months of life. An unhealthy diet can contribute to the development of anemia in a future mother, infectious diseases, bad habits.

In the second half of the year, the normal hemoglobin in the baby depends entirely on the ongoing breastfeeding and the correct diet of the mother. Despite the fact that the iron content in mother's milk is low, the ferritin protein contained in it contributes to good absorption (50%) of iron.

Insufficient intake from food is one of the causes of anemia. Since about 5% of iron is excreted daily in the feces, they must be replenished through nutrition. The intensive weight gain of the baby's body during the first year of life increases the body's needs for red blood cells (and, therefore, for iron), but these needs are not met.

Diseases of the digestive system (gastritis, peptic ulcer stomach or duodenal ulcer, enteritis) and a lack of vitamin B 12 can adversely affect the absorption of iron from the diet.

With artificial feeding, the use of cow's and goat's milk and semolina instead of an adapted milk mixture leads to the fact that iron ceases to be absorbed due to its transformation into an insoluble complex. At the same time, the cause of anemia lies not only in the low content of iron in cow's milk and insufficient assimilation of it, as well as in intestinal bleeding caused by the use of non-adapted dairy products (due to microscopic leakage of blood from the vessels).

The exact cause of these bleedings has not been clarified. It is believed that intolerance to cow's milk protein by the child's body is important. As the baby grows, these manifestations decrease, and after 2 years they are not observed.

Early introduction of complementary foods and violation of its rules also contribute to the development of anemia.


An anemic child becomes lethargic, pale, has poor appetite.

The manifestation of anemia in a child may be such non-specific signs:

  • loss of appetite;
  • increased fatigue;
  • lethargy, reduced activity;
  • increased fragility of nails and hair;
  • thinning, dull hair;
  • drowsiness;
  • painful cracks in the corners of the lips.

On examination, paleness of the skin (with an icteric tint in some cases) and mucous membranes, dryness and flaking of the skin, dark circles around the eyes, and rapid heartbeat are found.

Against the background of anemia, there is a decrease in immunity, the child often gets sick. Moreover, the disease can be severe, with complications. If left untreated, the child will lag behind in both physical and mental development.


If the hemoglobin in the blood of a child is low, then the situation should be corrected immediately. It is necessary to contact a pediatrician to determine the cause of anemia and get recommendations. In the case of iron deficiency anemia, nutritional correction alone is not enough, treatment with iron preparations as prescribed by a pediatrician is necessary.

Medical therapy

The goal of treatment for iron deficiency anemia is not only to eliminate iron deficiency, but also to restore the reserves of this microelement in the liver. Therefore, even with complete normalization of hemoglobin, treatment should not be interrupted: the course of therapy with iron preparations should be 3 months, so that a supply of iron is created in the child's body and anemia does not develop again.

Iron preparation

In the treatment of children with iron-containing drugs, their internal intake should be a priority. With internal use, the effect is noted 3-4 days later than with injection. But when taking drugs orally, severe side effects rarely develop.

There are strict indications for the appointment of iron preparations in injections:

  • extensive removal of the small intestine;
  • impaired absorption in the small intestine;
  • chronic inflammation of the small and large intestines.

Injectable drugs can be administered every other day, and the first 3 times at half the dose.

Iron preparations used to treat children have the following qualities:

  • sufficient bioavailability;
  • safety for children;
  • pleasant taste properties;
  • good drug tolerance;
  • convenient forms of release for children of any age.

Babies at an early age usually use medicines in the form of drops or syrup: Maltofer (syrup, drops), Aktiferrin (syrup, drops), Hemofer (drops), Ferrum Lek (syrup).

Adolescents are mainly prescribed Ferrum Lek (chewable tablets), Ferrogradum and Tardiferon, which have a long-term uniform absorption in the intestine and are well tolerated by children.

Preparations with 2-valent iron (salt) should be taken 1 hour before meals, as food may impair the absorption of the drug. The intake of preparations containing 3-valent iron does not depend on food intake.

The result of the use of these drugs will appear only after a month, which will be confirmed by the hemoglobin level in the general blood test. The lack of effect from the course of drugs may be due to inadequate dosage of the drug, or if the diagnosis is incorrect, and the anemia in the child is not iron deficiency.

Side effects with the internal intake of iron-containing drugs are more often associated with an overdose and manifest themselves in the form of dyspepsia: this is a violation of the consistency of the stool and its color, nausea and vomiting, and a decrease in appetite. Allergic manifestations and dermatitis may also develop.

Many parents consider the use of hematogen sufficient to raise the hemoglobin level in a child. It is made from bovine blood, which is processed in various ways to ensure safety. Currently, hematogen is produced both without iron and enriched with iron.

Attention! Hematogen is not an anemia drug, it's just a tasty food supplement!

Transfusion of blood products to children with anemia is carried out only for health reasons.

Power correction

Iron is absorbed from foods in 2 forms - non-heme (found in plant foods: cereals, fruits and vegetables) and heme (available in foods of animal origin: liver, fish, meat).

Iron is better absorbed in the heme form, the bioavailability of which is about 30%. In turn, products with a heme form of iron contribute to better absorption of iron from plant products, provided that they are consumed simultaneously. Ascorbic acid also contributes to the increase in the absorption of non-heme iron.

The total amount of (heme and non-heme) iron supplied with food should be 10-12 mg per day. But only 1/10 of it is absorbed.

Iron-rich animal products:

  • liver;
  • beef tongue;
  • kidneys;
  • rabbit meat;
  • turkey;
  • white chicken meat;
  • heart;
  • beef;
  • fish of all varieties, but especially carp, mackerel, burbot, black caviar;
  • egg yolk.

These products can be consumed boiled, baked, cooked from them pates, casseroles.

Vegetable products also have a significant iron content:

  • mushrooms (especially dried);
  • seaweed;
  • rose hip;
  • cereals: buckwheat, hercules;
  • fruits and berries: peaches, apples, plums, pears, pomegranates, apricots and dried apricots, bananas, black currants, gooseberries, raspberries, cherries, persimmons, quince, cranberries, strawberries, blueberries;
  • vegetables: cauliflower, beets, carrots, potatoes (especially boiled "in uniform" and baked), tomatoes, onions, pumpkin, herbs (dill, parsley, spinach, watercress);
  • legumes: beans, lentils, peas.

From berries and fruits, you can cook jelly, fruit drink, compote (from fresh fruits and dried fruits), or you can give the child fresh (depending on age).

Cause a decrease in the absorption of non-heme iron: soy protein, dietary fiber (from cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables), calcium, polyphenols (from legumes, nuts, tea, coffee).

In addition, some substances (phytins, tannins, phosphates) contained in plant products bind with iron and form insoluble compounds with it, which are not absorbed, but are excreted from the intestines with feces. Therefore, it is impossible to meet the needs of the child's body in iron with plant foods.

From breast milk (which contains 0.2-0.4 mg / l), 50% of iron is absorbed, which is enough to meet (along with reserves) the needs of the child's body. By the age of six months, when the baby's body weight doubles, the accumulated iron reserves are also consumed, the increased needs should be covered by complementary foods (vegetable and fruit purees, juices, cereals).

When introducing complementary foods to a baby with a low hemoglobin level, you should start with iron-rich vegetables. It could be Brussels sprouts, for example. You can choose buckwheat for the first porridge, and prepare the first meat food from beef (turkey or chicken). It is advisable to offer such a child a compote of dried fruits and a rosehip broth.

Pomegranate juice for kids should be diluted 1:1 with boiled water to prevent dyspeptic manifestations.

With artificial feeding, children are prescribed mixtures with a high iron content: up to 6 months. - from 3 to 8 mg / l, and after 6 months. - 10-14 mg / l. The pediatrician selects the necessary mixture. For children at risk for the occurrence of iron deficiency anemia (born from twins or triplets, with a large increase in body weight), such a mixture is prescribed from 5 or even from 3 months, and premature babies from 2 months. age.

Do not forget about the correct daily routine. Outdoor walks should be daily and take at least 5-6 hours. Before going to bed, do not forget to ventilate the room well.

These alternative tips can be used in children over 2 years of age if they do not have allergies.

Most popular recipes:

  1. Take 1 glass of buckwheat and walnuts, grind everything in a blender (or meat grinder) and add 1 glass of May honey, mix. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator and give the child 1 tsp. 2 times a day.
  2. Take dried apricots, prunes, walnuts (peeled), raisins and 1 lemon (with peel) in equal parts, chop thoroughly, mix with a glass of honey, keep in the refrigerator. The child should take 1 tsp. twice a day.
  3. 1 tbsp pour 200 ml of boiling water in a thermos, let it brew for 3 hours, strain. Add 1 tsp. honey, a slice of lemon and let the child drink the infusion for 2 times (morning and evening).
  4. Mix 100 ml of apple, 50 ml of carrot and 50 ml of beetroot juice. Give the child 1 tbsp. sour cream, and then 1 glass of juice mixture 1 r. per day (you can divide the volume into 2 doses).


Prevention of anemia in children includes:

  1. Antenatal prophylaxis: it is advisable for expectant mothers in the second half of pregnancy to take ferropreparations or multivitamins enriched with iron for prophylactic purposes.
  1. Postnatal prophylaxis:
  • breastfeeding the baby to save the maximum possible time;
  • timely and correctly introduce complementary foods;
  • to ensure a balanced diet for a nursing mother;
  • children receiving artificial feeding, from the age of 2 months, introduce (only as directed by a pediatrician) adapted mixtures enriched with iron;
  • from the 2nd half of the year to babies breastfeeding and formula-fed children not receiving iron-fortified formulas should take prophylactic iron supplementation until 1.5 years of age.
  • children from the risk group, which includes babies from multiple pregnancies, premature babies, children with intensive weight gain, preventive intake of iron-containing drugs begins from 3 months.

Summary for parents

Often parents are faced with the problem of low hemoglobin or anemia in a child already in infancy. Before taking measures to increase hemoglobin, you should consult a pediatrician and clarify the type and degree of anemia.

It is a red blood protein, the main function of which is the transport of oxygen to tissues from the lungs and vice versa, carbon dioxide to the lungs. The hemoglobin level is the most important clinical indicator. According to its content, you can follow the work of many organs.

For the study, a general blood test is prescribed and all indicators are evaluated. Blood is given on an empty stomach. The last meal should be no later than 8 hours before blood sampling.

Determine the level of hemoglobin in several ways, taking into account the instruments available in the laboratory. To measure the content of hemoglobin in the blood, the Saly method is usually used. This method involves mixing blood with hydrochloric acid and then adding distilled water to obtain a standard color. This method is longer and more subjective, and has been used for a very long time.You can also determine the level of hemoglobin by automated methods, using a hemometer. In blood test results, hemoglobin is designated as Hg.

The normal value of hemoglobin varies with the age of the child:

  • Normally, in infants up to 1 month, the hemoglobin level is 115-180 g / l.
  • In children up to six months, the concentration is within the normal range of 90-140 g / l.
  • From 6 months to a year - 105-140 g / l.
  • The hemoglobin level in children under 5 years of age is 100-140 g / l,
  • From 5 to 12 years old - 115-145 g / l.

In adolescence, girls and boys have different indicators:

  • In girls 12-15 years old, the norm of the lower limit is 112 g / l, and the upper limit is 152 g / l.
  • For young men, the norm is in the range of 120-160 g / l.

Decrease in hemoglobin: causes and signs

If the test results show a low level of hemoglobin, then it is customary to talk about development. This pathology can occur with injuries and blood loss, nosebleeds, autoimmune diseases.

A decrease in hemoglobin in the blood can be due to various reasons:

  • Unbalanced nutrition.
  • Deficiency of vitamin, copper,.
  • Dysbacteriosis.
  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Blood diseases.
  • Worm invasion.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • Allergy.

With a low level of iron-containing protein, the functions of the whole organism are disrupted due to a lack of oxygen. A decrease in hemoglobin leads to disturbances in the immune system, as a result of which the child is more likely to be exposed to seasonal diseases.

The main signs of low hemoglobin in children:

  • pale skin
  • peeling and dry skin
  • drowsiness
  • fatigue
  • frequent dizziness
  • capriciousness
  • stool instability
  • loss of appetite
  • circles under the eyes

In the first degree of anemia, when the level is not lower than 90 g / l, these signs may not be observed. In the future, you can notice shortness of breath, tachycardia, memory impairment and attention in the child, against which a developmental delay may occur.It is important to immediately pay attention to the listed symptoms in a child in order to take tests in time and prescribe treatment.

If you do not take action and do not eliminate the symptoms of iron deficiency anemia, then this can lead to serious health problems.

Oxygen will not be supplied to the organs and tissues in the children's body in sufficient quantities. Prolonged hypoxia worsens brain activity disruption of internal organs.

With oxygen starvation, tachycardia develops, which depletes the heart muscle. Against the background of reduced hemoglobin, digestion is disturbed, and children often suffer from constipation. The protective functions of the immune system are also reduced.In order to prevent the occurrence of possible consequences of low hemoglobin, you should consult a doctor in time and follow all his recommendations.

Medical increase in hemoglobin

If the cause of the decrease is iron deficiency in the body, then appropriate drugs are prescribed. The dosage is selected taking into account the age of the child.

Of the iron-containing drugs, Ferrum Lek, Maltofer, Aktiferrin, Ferronal 35, Totem, Feronat, Ferretab, etc. are usually prescribed.

You should know that there are preparations containing 2- and 3-valent iron. 3-valent iron is absorbed in the intestine, so the drug is used with ascorbic acid or fruit juices with vitamin C. In addition, 2-valent preparations with iron content may have more side effects, unlike 3-valent drugs.

After a course of drug use, tests are repeated to control the indicator.

If there is a positive trend, then over the next 2 months take half the dose. If after applying medicinal product in the analyzes, hemoglobin does not increase, then it is necessary to change the agent. Treatment lasts about 2.5-3 months.

In case of acute blood loss by a child during childbirth, which is caused by a decrease in hemoglobin, a blood transfusion is performed. The same is prescribed for children with a severe form. During the procedure, maternal antibodies can be eliminated from the baby's blood.Along with treatment, it is necessary to adhere to a balanced and proper diet in order to normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Effective folk recipes

To increase the hemoglobin content, it is recommended to use folk recipes. There is a wide variety of recipes that increase hemoglobin. With a slight decrease, you can do without drug therapy. The most popular recipes for anemia:

  • A mixture of nuts and dried fruits. Take an equal amount of dried apricots, raisins, prunes, nuts. Grind all the ingredients, add a spoonful of honey and lemon zest. Consume 1-2 spoons per day. If the child is allergic to some of the ingredients, then a different recipe should be used.
  • Beet-carrot mix. Grate beets, carrots and radish and add 2-3 teaspoons of vegetable oil to the mass. Mix everything well. In addition, you can squeeze the juice from these vegetables, mix and consume before meals.
  • Rosehip tea. Take 5-6 tablespoons of rose hips. Pour the fruits with a liter of boiling water. Next, boil for 10 minutes, and then leave to infuse for 2 hours. Use instead of tea.
  • Oat decoction. Pour 0.5 liters of milk half a glass of oats and boil over a fire for 30 minutes. Then strain, add butter and honey. If the baby is allergic to some ingredients, then they should not be added. Give to drink a teaspoon no more than 6 times a day. Every day you need to prepare a new decoction.

If the child is breastfed, then hemoglobin levels can be replenished when the mother eats a useful home remedy. Pour buckwheat into a glass to half and pour a glass of kefir. Cover and leave until morning.

Foods that increase hemoglobin levels

In the diet of a nursing mother and children should be present in in large numbers vegetables and fruits. Be sure to eat meat and liver.

With low hemoglobin, it is useful to use currants and chokeberries. With regular use of berries in any form, you can normalize the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

You can increase hemoglobin in a child with the following products:

  • Cereals and cereals: buckwheat, beans, rye, lentils, peas, etc.
  • Meat and fish products: heart, kidneys, liver, white meat, fish of different varieties, etc.
  • Vegetables and fruits: potatoes, beets, pumpkins, spinach, parsley, apples, bananas, pomegranates, plums, etc.
  • Red and black berries.
  • Dried fruits.
  • Egg yolk.

It is important to know that the absorption of iron is better with vitamin C, therefore, after eating meat or fish products, it is recommended to eat a slice of lemon or drink a rosehip broth. It is recommended to give children dried fruits instead of sweets.

Useful video - Best Recipes to increase hemoglobin levels:

The absorption of iron interfere with dairy products, strong tea, coffee. In addition, flour products, soy products, semolina slow down the absorption. At least two hours must pass from the moment of consumption of dairy products, only after that you can give meat to the baby.

The optimal dose of daily intake is considered for children aged 7-12 months - 8.5 mg, and from a year to 2 years - 5 mg of iron. The diet of the child must be agreed with the doctor.

To reduce the risk of development, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Timely and correctly introduce complementary foods.
  2. Eat food rich in vitamins and minerals.
  3. Walk outdoors daily.
  4. Monitor clinical analysis parameters annually.
  5. Timely eliminate the sources of blood loss in the body.

A secondary measure of prevention is not only the detection of latent iron deficiency inbody, but also its treatment.

Anemia is a fairly common reason for the deviation of mental abilities and complex development among children, which confirmed by research. That is why pediatricians recommend regularly donating blood for analysis - in order to control the concentration of hemoglobin and prevent anemia.

At the same time, there are much more risk factors for anemia in children than in adults, since their body is actively growing and consuming more vitamins, minerals and iron, almost all intercellular metabolic processes also proceed many times faster.

What foods should be given to a child in order to increase the hemoglobin level to an acceptable level? And most importantly - what level is considered as such?

Why is low hemoglobin dangerous?

Low hemoglobin leads to anemia (often referred to as anemia).

With a deficiency of hemoglobin, almost all tissues and organs receive much less oxygen, which affects their slow growth / development. This also applies to the brain nervous system, skeleton and so on.

Especially dangerous is low hemoglobin in newborns, in whose body there is an active oxidation of red blood cells and the production of new ones (by the way, it is because of this that it can change in the first months of life - this is a normal phenomenon).

Therefore, the concentration of hemoglobin is measured even in the maternity hospital, literally on the first or second days of a child's life (when he is already breathing and is not connected with the mother's body by the placenta).

The rate of content in the blood

The norm of hemoglobin in the blood in children is as follows:

  • from 1 to 6 years- from 100 to 140 grams per liter;
  • from 6 to 12 years old- from 120 to 150 grams per liter;
  • in newborns– from 90 to 110 grams per liter (and increases slightly every month until the lower limit reaches 100 grams per liter or more).

In newborns, in the first days of life, hemoglobin changes in waves - this is a normal phenomenon. But if hemoglobin falls below 90 grams per liter, immediate medical attention is required.

Low Level Signs

The only correct option to determine that a child has low hemoglobin is to donate blood for analysis (it is possible both from a finger and from a vein, it is recommended to take several samplings with a break of a couple of days). But it is not always possible to seek qualified medical help.

You can still recognize low hemoglobin for the following symptoms:

  1. pale skin color;
  2. a sharp deterioration in appetite;
  3. deterioration and;
  4. rapid change in taste preferences;
  5. allergies (may indicate problems in the endocrine system);
  6. palpitations (sometimes accompanied by an increase in blood pressure);
  7. not the best condition of the skin, hair, nails.

Also, children with anemia often experience shortness of breath for no apparent reason (including without physical exertion).

Nutrition rules for children

First of all, it is necessary to point out that often hemoglobin deficiency is associated not with a lack of certain micronutrients, but with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, hormonal, cardiovascular system.

Therefore, in this regard, you should always consult with a pediatrician (pediatrician). He will also direct you to all the necessary studies and tests that will help determine the exact cause of anemia.

Up to 1 year

To increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood of children up to a year, the optimal diet would be breast milk. And more importantly during this period follow a healthy diet especially for a young mother, including in the diet iron-containing foods, as well as rich in B-group vitamins. These include:

  1. beef;
  2. lean pork;
  3. (beef or pork);
  4. seafood;
  5. legumes;
  6. cereal porridge.

And most importantly, eat a varied diet. That is, cook regularly. different dishes to, and breast milk.

If the child is formula-fed (milk formula), then preference should be given to those containing iron and B vitamins. You should consult with your pediatrician about this. Mixtures are always selected individually, depending on how well the child's body absorbs them.

If the child is more than 9 months old, then the introduction of complementary foods is allowed. At the same time, ground cereal cereals, meat puree, vegetable oil, natural compotes or juices must be added to the diet (be sure to dilute with water).

1 to 3 years

During this period, preference should be given to vegetables, fruits, herbs, as well as mashed meat. With low hemoglobin, especially cottage cheese, yogurt, dairy desserts, kefir - they contain calcium, which makes it difficult to absorb iron.

Also, the diet must include applesauce (or apple drying), carrot juice or puree (possible with sugar), legumes (not earlier than 18 months). You should also abandon wheat bread in favor of bran bread - this is a good prevention of constipation (and at the same time bran has a high iron content, almost 20 mg per 100 grams).

And, if possible, up to 2 - 3 years, the child should be breastfed. Mother's milk is a concentrated mixture with vitamins, easily digestible proteins, iron, which is the best way to increase hemoglobin, as well as to comprehensively strengthen the immune system.

3 to 6 years old

  1. (and other cocoa-based products, with the exception of white chocolate, as it has a high milk content);
  2. liver (can be in the form of mashed potatoes or pate with vegetables, it is recommended to cook at home);
  3. fruit juices;
  4. prunes, raisins, dried apricots;
  5. (chicken ones are also suitable, but it is many times more useful and easier for the stomach to digest quail ones);
  6. pumpkin, potatoes (boiled or baked, without roasting).

You can also give a small amount of table linseed oil- it is rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids, which accelerate intercellular metabolic processes, including those involving iron molecules.

6 to 12 years old

At this age, you can quickly increase hemoglobin using the following foods and drinks:

  1. herbs (including parsley, turmeric, basil);
  2. pomegranate juice (not recommended in concentrated form, be sure to dilute);
  3. fresh and baked apples;
  4. nuts;
  5. wheat or rice bran;
  6. seafood (preference should be given, as well as red and black caviar).

You should also definitely give up black tea and any other drinks that contain caffeine - they all significantly slow down the absorption of iron, increase the concentration of tannins in the blood (which prevent biochemical reactions with amino acids).

Almost all metabolic processes in the body are accelerated with an increase in the level of vitamin D in the blood (since it accelerates the absorption of calcium, and its concentration gradually decreases).

Therefore, doctors recommend walk outdoors as often as possible, as well as sunbathing (with caution for children under 3 years old, since their skin is practically not protected from ultraviolet radiation and it is extremely easy to get burned).

You can also increase hemoglobin with the help of active games, physical activity - all this also accelerates the absorption of proteins and amino acids, which just enter into a biochemical reaction with iron molecules.

It is also important to observe the regimes of activity and rest.- blood is mainly produced at night during sleep. Therefore, the child must comply with the regimen and go to bed at the same time every day.

You can also increase hemoglobin with the help of hematogen - this is a kind of dessert obtained from the blood cells of cattle. It is sold in the form of sweets or chocolates in pharmacies, it is allowed to give it to children from 2 years and older (this information should be specified in the instructions).

There are also special variations of hematogen with a high content of iron and B-group vitamins - this one can just be used in the active treatment of anemia.


In total, low hemoglobin is dangerous for a child in the sense that it negatively affects the development of the whole organism, including the brain. Anemia is especially dangerous for infants - this can provoke the development of the most complex and fatal pathologies in the nervous system.

In most cases, but not always, hemoglobin can be raised to an acceptable level by adjusting the diet. If this does not help, then you should definitely seek help from doctors.