Conversation with teenagers “Our eternal values. Definition of values ​​Eternal values ​​what they are

What is the most important thing in life for you? And if you ask this question to different people, you will probably get different answers. I would immediately say freedom and development. One of my best friends replied that the most important things in life for him were family and health. You will have your answer. All you need to understand is that what is important to you controls your actions. Depending on what your priorities are, your life will be structured. And in this article I would like to talk about the formation of a system of life values, because... I think this is a very important point in the process

Why is the value system so important for every person?

It is important to understand that the presence of a system of value orientations already indicates a mature personality. Personal values ​​determine our internal readiness to perform certain activities and indicate the direction of our development. To put it in simpler words, the value system for a person is a certain vector of his development. The value world of every person is vast. However, there are certain “basic” values ​​that determine activities in the main ones.

Life values ​​do not arise overnight. They are the result of our life experiences. Significant events in our lives, books, films, teachers, etc. play a huge role in this. Life values ​​can change over time. There is nothing more permanent than temporary. At 15 you have one set of values, at 30 you have different values. Each person's values ​​are individual, like fingerprints. The coincidence of the main life values ​​strengthens relationships between people, which is very important in modern society.

Understanding your main life values ​​is a very important thing. If you live a long and difficult life, and at the end you understand that such a life was not interesting, then it will be too late to change anything... If, on the contrary, you know well what you want from life, what is truly for you dear, every day of your well-structured life will be filled with meaning.

2 types of life values ​​and 3 types of people

In general, there are a large number of values, but all of them can be divided into two large groups: material and spiritual.

- We can include material assets: an apartment, a car, a garage, jewelry, books, musical instruments, sports equipment, food, clothes, etc.;

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- to the spiritual: active life, life wisdom, love, responsibility, beauty, mercy, justice, self-improvement, freedom, beauty, health, knowledge, etc.

Depending on the created value system, each person can be classified into one of 3 groups:
- materialists;
- spiritual people;
- spiritual materialists.

I wonder which group you belong to?! Now stop reading for a minute and think. In which direction are your main development vectors directed? Toward the material? Or maybe towards the spiritual? Or both! Personally, I belong to the 3rd group. I am a spiritual materialist. But 5 years ago I was an inveterate materialist. Understanding the 7 areas of life helped me become more balanced and start living.

The value system of modern man, unfortunately, is similar to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, which is skewed in one direction. You ask where? Towards material values. Everyone simply froze in materiality, like blocks of stone. You can touch, see, buy material values, and they all depend on the time in which a person lives. For example, 300 years ago there were no cars and that means there was no value in them either. Now you’re just thinking about how to make money on a cool Mercedes. Imagine that Jesus walked around the Holy Land and just had a blast without an iPhone 7S! There are now 60% materialists, and every day there are fewer and fewer of them.

There are much fewer spiritual people. 30% percent. A person pays attention to spiritual values ​​after 40-45 years. Wisdom comes, you begin to value health, you show more love for the world around you, freedom and creativity appear in life. You think more about God and life in general. The time for inner philosophy is coming. I want to be silent more and even be alone. But many become so absorbed in spirituality that they forget about the material side. Most of the great Creators were poor. “Creativity and freedom are important to me, but money doesn’t bother me”—only a person whose life values ​​are directed only towards the spiritual world can say this. And this is also a certain imbalance that needs to be eliminated. The faster the better.

Only spiritual materialists can be harmonious. In their value system, both are important. Personal development should be based on two types of values. Spiritual and material are two sides of the same coin. There is no need to deny one or the other. You need to connect, and then a powerful inner force will appear that can work wonders. One only helps the other. They don't interfere. What would happen if I had to ride a unicycle. You can drive, but the speed will not be the same. And the speed of development of your personality is very important in life. There are approximately 10% of spiritual materialists. And there should be much more! We must create new life on our new planet Earth!

7 of my main spiritual values

Health– this is the basis of life. One of the most important values. We begin to value health when “problems” begin in the body. Until that time, we drink, smoke, and it’s unclear what we eat. Other values ​​are probably even impossible without good health. This is difficult to explain to the younger generation. They have their own values. Give time to your health first.

Time is an invaluable resource. It cannot be bought, exchanged, or sold. They give you 70-100 years to realize your potential. You watch TV series day and night. Maybe you shouldn't have come to this planet? Watch the movie "Time". The main resource there is time, not money. We turned everything upside down, chasing green pieces of paper.

Love- This is generally the basis of the universe. The magnet that connects everything. Love for yourself, loved ones, nature, your favorite business, life in general. Without a feeling of love, a person cannot be harmonious. Few people now have true Unconditional Love. My opinion is that many people say the word “love”, but do not fully understand what it is. Be grateful and loved.

Knowledge– this is the basis of your development. Previously, knowledge was difficult to obtain. People traveled to the other side of the world to get it. Now there is the Internet. This is a great benefit that was created to unite all knowledge. Many people again do not understand this. They give it to you, you don't take it. You think you know everything. Not at all…

Development– this is the basis for your freedom. Everything develops, everything grows, everything blooms. You probably like the smell of blooming roses. A scent that cannot be enjoyed. Only at a certain point a person stops developing. It does not reach its flowering stage. Flowering of your life. It ruins your potential.

Liberty is the basis for creativity. You have free will to create. You are free to make any choice. Your life is your choice. And only you are responsible for your choice. Real life begins when you are fully aware of your freedom. But in life, people often become slaves, forgetting this value. Working for my uncle takes up my whole life.

Creation is the ability of your Spirit. You have forgotten that you are the Creator. You think that only God can create. You are part of him, and he is part of you. You are one. A drop of water is no different in composition from the entire ocean. Same composition, same properties. It's hard to understand. To be a spiritual person means to be creative.

These are my main values ​​in life. For you, they may not be the main thing at all. I will recommend doing one exercise that will allow you to create your own value system in life. Take a blank sheet of paper, a pen and write down everything that you value most in life. The list must contain at least 100 values. Then go through this list and cross out the least important ones so that 50 remain. Those 7-9 life values ​​that will remain at the end and will be the most important for you.

Now think about whether you devote most of your time and energy to these values. If it turns out that you are constantly busy with others, then you are more likely to serve other people’s values ​​or those values ​​that are not first on the list. Exercise not life values ​​will help change your life! The main values ​​in life are called the main ones because they are our beacons and allow us to make sure that we are moving in the right direction.

They say that times are no longer the same, human values ​​are obsolete and take on a different form. I can say with confidence that times are not the creator of good and truth. They never change, no matter what era we enter, it will always be pleasant to hear the truth, to know that you are sincerely loved and valued in friendship. But sometimes a person’s values ​​can become distorted in the mind.

Bible teaching

The Bible is rightfully considered the most popular and best-selling book in the world. The wisest of the wise, she is able to instill love for man, freedom, and goodness. It is impossible to declare with certainty the non-existence of God, but this does not diminish the significance of the book. Remember the parables that teach you to love and forgive by practicing forgiveness. Perhaps the Bible was written not so much about God as it tried to unite us by faith in one and eternal man. How many millennia have passed since the book was written, how many generations have changed, what a high level of development humanity has reached - and sincere, pure love is still considered the most noble of feelings.

Do we follow spiritual values?

In the daily hustle and bustle of the modern world, where we need to carve out a place for ourselves in the sun, we sometimes forget about human values. Education plays a major role in shaping attitudes and priorities. Family members, by their example, show the little person what they believe in, value and respect. It is important that words are always supported by actions. Having fled from the family nest, under the influence of friends or external circumstances, a person often changes his priorities. Only when we have lost the people who love us do we turn to God and the Bible, which point out our mistakes. The current era is called a return to morality and spiritual values. Animal protection and conservation of nature, charity and donations to children in poor countries.

Undoubtedly, this is a feat on the part of humanity. But this begs the insidious question of whether this is selfishness. We take care of nature in order to prevent its revenge in the form of cataclysms, and not because we are sorry. We donate huge sums to the benefit of the poor in order to avoid taxes, and a good name does not hurt. Giving a penny to a grandmother sitting near the passage is considered odd: “I didn’t earn money through hard work in order to give it to her.” Giving up a seat in transport to a pregnant woman is also not our responsibility. But these seemingly small actions show what human values ​​are inherent in us.

We and those around us

When asked what feelings and qualities we value most, many talk about what they would like to see in others. In most cases, a person's values ​​are honesty, sincerity, love, loyalty, and being needed. Do we demand honesty from others, but we ourselves are always honest with them? We want to be needed, but do we do anything for this? Human moral values ​​lie in extorting them from others, without thinking about why others should give us what we are unable to provide in return.

A person needs to learn a lesson: we always get what we deserve. In order for changes to occur in your relationship with a person, start changing something in yourself, forgive the offender if you value him. Only the strong can forgive an offense, and Forgiveness is the smell that a flower emits when it is trampled on.

09.10.2005. Love Lesson #26 (Divine Word):

“...I, your God, reveal for you all the sources of life on Earth, in heaven and in space. These are the main values ​​that form the crystal of integrity: Business. Family. Money. House. Love. Children. Harmony. Health. Force. Inspiration. Joy and Happiness. The life of a person of modern times (the Age of Fire) consists of these basic values. They allow you to love life and live love.
Unity in integrity is the unity of values ​​in human life.
The crystal of integrity is an internal source of good.
Business, family, money, home - earthly blessings.
Love, children, harmony, health are heavenly blessings.
Strength, inspiration, joy, happiness are cosmic blessings.

They reveal and saturate each other. The crystal of integrity is growing. Unity in integrity grows..."

A person works off earthly values.
A person earns heavenly values.
Man discovers cosmic values ​​in the depths of his soul.

Life values ​​are what a person should value in life, what he should value and what he should treat responsibly. This does not mean at all that if a person does not have one or more values, then he is disadvantaged and cannot live a full life. Quite the contrary, even one value, with the right attitude towards it, can fill life. God gave us 12 eternal, true, life values, and it depends only on our attitude towards them whether we have them in our lives or not:

1. Case.
2. Family.
3. Money.
4. Home.
5. Love.
6. Children.
7. Harmony.
8. Health.
9. Strength.

The order of values ​​does not determine their significance, the order determines their level:
Business, family, money, home- earthly values.
Love, children, harmony, health- heavenly values.
Strength, inspiration, joy, happiness- cosmic values.

Values ​​are available to everyone without exception, but not everyone understands their importance in life. The significance of values ​​is determined by the person himself by his attitude towards them. It is impossible to overestimate eternal values; besides, their value does not change under any circumstances. But this does not mean that if a person does not have money, he cannot be happy, or if a person is sick, then inspiration will never come to him, or if a person has nowhere to live, then he will not be able to love. It is important to appreciate and understand the general, impersonal significance of values.

6.12.2005. From "The Way Home":
“God gave man a soul that can feel deeply. The deepest feelings of the soul are the main wealth of a person. It allows you to experience the highest spiritual values. Only deeply feeling souls can appreciate life and feel the joy and happiness of existence, feel the true taste of life.
A sense of responsibility allows one to observe the basic law of eternity “thou shalt not break” and preserves earthly, heavenly and cosmic values ​​received from God.
The feeling of gratitude allows you to appreciate life, allows you to appreciate true Divine values...”

Please note: neither food, nor clothing, nor furniture, nor works of art, nor jewelry, nor friendship, nor mutual understanding and support are values. What we eat, how we dress, what we have in our home is certainly important, but not paramount. Also, what we usually value in people does not belong to values: upbringing, education, intelligence, sense of humor. Nor are originality, honesty, gratitude, or responsibility among the values. If a person feels harmony with the world around him, then all these skills and qualities will be natural to him.

10/15/2005. From "The Way Home":
“...You are undergoing a process of reincarnation, a process of enriching consciousness. The basic values ​​of life acquire their true value, acquire true authenticity and true value...

... On Earth, true values ​​are confused and devalued:
Case leads away from families.
Chase after money destroys families.
House And health eat most of it money.
Children take away health And force parents.
Parents don't give children build your own life.
Love brings a minute joy and takes it from a person strength.
Concept harmony exists only in music.
Behind inspiration And happiness They pay with suffering and pain.

Such is the gray existence. These are the cruel laws of the gray world.
The pursuit of external beauty requires irreparable sacrifices and does not bring either mental or physical health...
...The process of reincarnation is a process of revaluation of values..., revealing the beauty and harmony of a person’s inner world...”

06.12.2005. From "The Way Home" (Divine Word):
“My children, listen to me, your God! Listen and remember!
Each person is responsible for his own business, for his family, for his money, for his home.
Each person is responsible for his love, for his children, for his health.
In response to me, to the Earth, to all humanity and to myself.
Each person is responsible for the purity, honor and conscience of all humanity before the entire universe, before the entire universe.”

09/07/2006. “Physics of Love” - lesson No. 2 (lesson of the Great Supreme Absolute):
“Only a person who fulfills the Ten Commandments can enter a new life.”
The Divine Solution is at work in New Life. Conscience tells you how to do it. Man becomes one with everything that God has created.
The gray world denies the Divine, does not accept the Divine Decision, therefore it cannot be part of the One Whole. The gray world does not live. The gray world exists.
Eternal life values ​​are the tests of eternity.
To live is to be free."

If a person does not value the eternal values ​​of life, then the false values ​​of the gray world take their place. The gray world tries to deceive a person, to devalue eternal life values. He offers man his values, false and insidious:

  1. Busy instead of doing.
  2. Kinship ties instead of family.
  3. Income and profit instead of money.
  4. Housing instead of home.
  5. Sex and attraction instead of love.
  6. Heirs instead of children.
  7. Calm instead of harmony.
  8. Physical strength instead of health.
  9. Power and education instead of force.
  10. Efficiency and endurance instead of inspiration.
  11. Enjoyment, pleasure and satisfaction instead of joy.
  12. Carelessness and oblivion instead of happiness.

09.21.2008. From New Life Lesson #39:
“...There is no more transitional time. The gap between old and new has widened. The false values ​​of the gray world are devalued. Today they are losing power. Tomorrow they will lose power...”

A revaluation of values ​​is always a restructuring of consciousness, and a restructuring of consciousness is always both a restructuring of the body and the collapse of unrealistic hopes.

Course 2


Lesson 13

Topic: Eternal values ​​of humanity

Target: expanding students’ ideas about the eternal values ​​of humanity, about spiritual and material values, about the purpose of human life as the comprehension of the highest spiritual values; formation of independent living skills, socialization of the individual; deepening students’ ideas about knowledge, about the sources of human knowledge, about the variety of ways to understand the world, about achieving wisdom and the significance of the process of self-knowledge.

- reveal the meaning and versatility of the concepts of “value”, “universal values”, “spiritual values”, “material values”;
- develop the ability to see value in people, events, circumstances;
- develop the ability to make successful decisions and show initiative;
- cultivate a respectful attitude towards universal human values ​​and the spiritual experience of humanity;
- cultivate sensitivity in the perception of reality.


Henrik Ibsen

They lived quietly together in this house
Both autumn and winter.
But there was a fire. And the house fell apart,
And they bent over the ashes.

There, under it, a golden casket was kept,
Fireproof, durable, imperishable.
They dug the ground with a shovel, crushed it with a pickaxe,
To find a precious treasure.

And they find, these two people,
Necklace, pendants, wrists, -
She will not find only her burned faith.
And to him - his former happiness.

Conversation on slides

Slide 1 – Discussion of the epigraph.

Value scale

1500 respondents: from 20 value-colored words, it was necessary to choose the 5 most important

Now you choose the 5 most significant values ​​for you. And then we’ll see how your choice coincides with the choice of those surveyed.

1. Family-
2. Marriage -
3. Money-
4. Friendship -
5. Love -
6. Career -
7. Success –

8. Independence –

9. Stability -
10. Professionalism-
11. Justice -
12. Self-realization -
13. Freedom -
14. Comfort-
15. Self-development -
16. Entertainment -
17. Conscience -
18. Homeland -
19. Spirituality -
20. Creativity -

1. Family-48%
2. Marriage -45%
3. Money-38%
4. Friendship - 42%
5. Love - 28%
6. Career - 27%
7. Success - 24%
8. Independence - 22%
9. Stability - 19%
10. Professionalism - 19%
11. Fairness - 15%
12. Self-realization - 15%
13. Freedom - 12%
14. Comfort - 10%
15. Self-development - 10%
16. Entertainment - 8%
17. Conscience - 8%
18. Homeland - 7%
19. Spirituality - 6%
20. Creativity - 5%

“The rich man has countless cattle and gold, But the poor man has a winged dream.”
Kyrgyz proverb

Eastern parable

One day, Poverty and Wealth argued among themselves which of them was more beautiful. For a long time they could not solve this issue on their own, so they decided to turn to the first person they met.
“Let the first man we meet resolve our dispute,” they decided and set off along the road.
A middle-aged man was walking towards them. He did not immediately notice that Poverty and Wealth had jumped up to him from both sides.
- Only you can resolve our dispute! - they chattered. - Tell me which of us is more beautiful!
- What a disaster! - the man thought to himself, - I’ll say that Poverty is more beautiful, Wealth will be offended and leave me. And if I say that it is Wealth, then Poverty may get angry and attack me. What to do?
The man thought a little and said to them:
- I can’t tell right away when you stand still. First, you walk a little along the road back and forth, and I’ll take a look.
Poverty and Wealth began to walk along the road. And so they will pass, and so on. Everyone wants to look better.
- Well? - they finally shouted in one voice. - Which of us is more beautiful?
The man smiled at them and answered:
- You, Poverty, are very beautiful and charming from behind when you leave!
And you, Wealth, are simply excellent when you turn your face and come!

Slide 2 – discussion

Game “Buy - Sell” - slide 3, 4

Slide number 5 – conclusion about the game

Legend – slide 6, 7.

Spiritual values ​​are a kind of moral capital of humanity, accumulated over millennia, which not only does not depreciate, but, as a rule, increases.

Material values ​​are the result of human activity (contribute to people’s lives):

Protozoa (food, clothing, housing, household items and public consumption);
of a higher order (tools of labor and material means of production).
Material values ​​are not primitive things. They are designed to evoke high feelings in a person. But they also have practical significance - their content influences the life of an individual and society as a whole.

The next section “Task” will introduce students to the opinions of Internet forum participants and will allow the teacher to determine the depth of students’ understanding of the importance of spiritual values. The nicknames (names) of the forum participants are left in the textbook, as is customary in the Internet zone.
Read the opinions of Internet forum participants on the topic: “What is more important: spiritual or material values?” Which opinion do you share? Why?

NOP. Why do I need money without internal harmony, but why do I need internal harmony with a crust of bread and a glass of water? Everything must be balanced.

ExVoormindin. For myself, I am looking for material values, because... I have already identified moral values ​​and ideas for myself. In other people, in turn, I look for spiritual values. You can't talk to a bag of gold

Maripa 82. Material values ​​refer to the values ​​that determine a person’s daily needs, say, things. Unlike material values, spiritual values ​​correspond to mental, emotional and volitional abilities, or Truth, Goodness and Beauty. I believe that the spiritual ones are more important, remember when you felt bad in your soul, is it possible to think about money at the moment. Appreciate spiritual values, then you will also have material ones.

Silencia. Money gives a person comfort and confidence in the future. But you can’t buy happiness even if you had all the money in the world. I don't believe those who think differently.

DesTincT. Life shows exactly the opposite... It is one thing to believe that spiritual values ​​are more important to you, but another thing is to follow these beliefs. Agree, few people would want to connect their fate with a low-income person - this is natural...

Lizbur. Spiritual, material, and eternal values ​​are important to us. Thanks to them we exist.

Slide 8 – complete the phrase. Discussion.

The circle “From Heart to Heart” completes the theme “Eternal Values ​​of Humanity.” In the textbook, in this section, a poem by the poet Maya Borisova is offered. It can be read to a group of students. Draw students' attention to the fact that we can give a price to everything that exists in a person's life, that there are universal human values ​​that are equally valid for everyone, and values ​​that a person determines for himself. A person’s worldview and perception of the world depend on the depth of personal values ​​and the correctness of priorities.

Maya Borisova
There are values ​​that have no price:
A piece of paper with a Pushkin drawing,
Textbook one in the first school bag
And letters from those who did not return from the war.
There are values ​​that have no price.
Tight folds of a marble tunic
At the thin feet of the Nike of Samothrace,
And the wings that are missing are visible.
There are values ​​that are more valuable than yourself.
Transparent stone from a small beach,
But at night they kiss him, crying.
What is comparable to it - the gifts of kings?
You cannot tell another: live like this!
But if you are busy with one thing -
Acquire something tangible
You are not worth either anger or love.
May all your flocks be safe!
Living in petty calculations -
Succeed! Just don’t try
On values ​​that have no price.

There are values ​​that are commonly called universal. These are the values ​​that are important at all times and important to all people. These include freedom, truth, beauty, justice, goodness and benefit.

These are the values ​​that are important for a spiritually developed person. And at all times, for all nations and for all types of societies, these values ​​have been eternal.

The values ​​of family life are also important. This is loyalty and devotion, love for children and your loved ones. There are transferable values ​​that change along with the cultural and spiritual development of society.

What are the values ​​of modern teenagers? Most of all, teenagers admire fictional characters who choose to take care of other, weaker people. This type of hero is characterized by a sense of collectivism - community with other members of society.

It is important that such heroes simply cannot remain indifferent to the suffering of others; they sympathize with the weak and try to help them. This shows their moral values. But for those who are older, for example, students, it is more interesting to watch heroes who have already achieved something in their lives. They are interested in the real values ​​of modern life, and not in fairy-tale characters. Such heroes are more interested in material gain and stability. But it is on eternal values ​​that the world rests. And no matter what happens in the world, no matter what technological and material innovations are invented, eternal values ​​play an important role in the life of every person. Without them, a person cannot develop spiritually and feel morally satisfied. In goodness and truth, justice and honesty, the fullness of a person’s life is revealed, and even if his ideals are material and not distinguished by high morality, he comes to the realization that without higher values ​​it is impossible to live a life with dignity. Most often, such values ​​manifest themselves in transitional historical periods, during a war or revolution, when people need to build a new world and a new way of life.

Main types of life strategies in modern society: strategies of well-being, success and self-realization. The concept of "strategy" was formed in the field of military art. Strategy studies the patterns and nature of struggle in the military field, in business, develops the theoretical foundations for planning and conducting operations on the battlefield, in business and often between people. Strategy follows from policy and serves it. Strategies are developed and implemented at the request of politicians.

Today there are no established concepts of strategy and strategic management. Numerous definitions of strategy are formulated on the basis of an analysis of empirical material obtained by one-sided observation of the activities of strategists and strategic managers, similar to the legend of how the blind studied the elephant. The increased attention to strategic personnel management today is explained by an understanding of the importance and complexity of problems in the field of human resources management, the need for employment of the population and personnel management. Theoretically, strategy can be understood as a category of management theory that shows the organizational and technological relationships between the goals of an organization created by the structures and means of achieving the goal (methods, technologies).
Strategy is the organizing principle of people's activities, ensuring the integrity of the organization and its focus on achieving strategic goals. Analysis of practice shows that there are static and dynamic components both in strategy and in the activities of personnel, which are the object of the strategy. The strategy operates in conjunction with the method of implementing integrating and coordinating functions in the field of management. Strategy is a model for achieving a need-based future, dynamically changing over time and preserving the spatial orientation specified by the coordinate system, basic and individual values. The strategy is implemented in tactics, in everyday activities through a complex of social and psychological technologies, techniques and methods of personnel management, and an organization management mechanism. Strategy is an abstract norm specified in the form of a plan, program, project, technology, etc.
The difficulties of developing and implementing strategies are explained by the need for people involved in strategic management to have strategic thinking. The “secret” of strategic management is the presence of appropriate thinking, which allows one to implement a strategic vision, make strategic decisions (based on an analysis of the situation at the appropriate level), see the relationship between strategy and policy, and manage them. Strategic thinking is based on developed reflexive abilities, skills acquired empirically (in management practice) or in special classes (organizational activities, mental games). The abstractness inherent in strategy makes it difficult to describe it in the usual language of human communication. Logical thinking, which is carefully developed in humans over centuries, does not provide a complete understanding of emerging problems and their subsequent solution.
Strategies unite people in activities to achieve common goals, using an arsenal of means (social and psychological technologies, methods and techniques, etc.) to manage these activities, directing them towards the implementation of a strategic goal. In this case, the entire possible complex of external and internal factors of reality is taken into account, creating a certain situation in the theater of war or on the market.
Elements of the strategy are justified by calculations and taken into account in interrelation. Strategists of all times have identified static and dynamic components in strategic management; they have identified the central component of strategy; they have attached great importance to form (the relationship between the characteristics of opposing forces) and considered the goal of activity to be the main system-forming factor.
In the process of strategic activity, problems are solved, and in tactical activity, everyday tasks determined by the strategy are solved. Strategy, together with method, is based on the concept of collective and individual values. The implementation of strategy begins with strategic self-determination (activities to identify and approve the own position of the strategist and the people subordinate to him who are included in the organization), where, first of all, the purpose and meaning of future life are realized.
The most obvious and most suitable for management activities is the sequential type of classification of strategies. It covers the entire area of ​​strategic management, is based on the hierarchical principle of management and visually interprets the set of strategies used in the form of a family tree. At the highest (planetary) level there is a strategy for the development of human civilization, which determines the organizational and managerial requirements for transnational, state, and corporate strategies. At each hierarchical level, it is necessary to highlight management strategies in the political, material and spiritual spheres.

9. To achieve certain goals, a person uses various strategies. The classification of strategies is based on certain characteristics: the socio-economic status of a person; the way he resolves life’s contradictions (strategies of defense, refusal and adaptation); type of action in the fight (offensive or defensive strategies). The most well-known strategies are life well-being (directing activities to achieve the benefits of life), success (achieving success in life) and self-realization (the meaning of life in the self-realization of internal potentials).

The problem of death in the spiritual experience of humanity. Life and death are eternal themes of human spiritual culture. In all philosophical systems this problem was comprehended and, in one form or another, solved. This is due to the fact that life and death are a contradictory unity. There is no life without death, just as there is no death without life. Many thinkers assume that death is the most important factor in our understanding of the essence of life. Life is interpreted as a certain form of being. What is death? Is it non-existence or existence, but in a different form?

Many thinkers from almost all nations and at all times have spoken very negatively about life. Life was understood as“suffering”, “the abyss of evil”, “vanity and languor of the spirit”, “struggle”, “wandering in a foreign land”, “all ashes, ghosts, shadows and smoke”, eternal night”, etc.

Death is understood not as the end, but as the crown of life. It is she who organizes human life, forces a person in short years to find meaning and justify his existence to himself. It is unknown where death awaits us, and if so, then we must expect it everywhere. The ancient sages spoke quite definitely on this matter: “memento mori” (Latin) - remember death! What for? Why do you need to remember death? Remembering death means living every day as if it were the last day of your life, because it may indeed be your last. Therefore, we must learn to appreciate life in all its manifestations.

When exploring the problem of life and death, immortality is always present. We can talk about the triad: life-death-immortality. The attitude towards the latter is also not clear. In other cultures it is perceived as a good, a cherished goal to be strived for. And in others- in a different way. For example, in ancient Greek mythology, the most terrible punishment to which the gods could sentence a person is immortality.

Imagine that you are immortal. All your relatives, friends, your children’s children have already died, but you all live. Absolutely alone, forgotten, unknown, where everything is alien and incomprehensible: neither time, nor culture.

At the same time, the idea of ​​immortality is alive. There are several types of immortality.

First - in children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, i.e. in the genes of the offspring.

Second - mummification of the body with the expectation of its eternal preservation.

Third - hope for the “dissolution” of the body and spirit of the deceased in the Universe, their entry into the cosmic “body”, the eternal circulation of matter, especially since complete destruction of even an elementary particle is impossible in the world; there are laws of conservation of matter, energy and, it is believed, information, as well as the organization of complex systems. Consequently, particles of our “I” after death will enter into the eternal cycle of existence and in this sense will be immortal. True, they will not have consciousness, a soul with which our “I” is connected.

Fourth - is associated with the results of human creativity, the fruits of material and spiritual production, which are included in the treasury of humanity (scientific discoveries, works of literature and art, etc.).

Fifth - associated with the achievement of various states that science calls altered states of consciousness. Here, a “breakthrough” into other dimensions of space and time, travel to the past and future, and a mystical feeling of belonging to Eternity are possible.

Sixth - associated with technological achievements of the late twentieth century. Cryogenesis (deep freezing) of the bodies of the dead has become possible and is already being used in the United States with the expectation that doctors of the future will revive and, if necessary, cure currently incurable diseases, thereby giving new life in the future to our contemporary.

So, we can formulate several approaches to understanding the problem of life and death.

1. Life and death are different sides of one phenomenon. There is nothing eternal in the world. There is His Majesty - cycle, to whom everything is subordinated. This must be tolerated and taken for granted.

2. Necessary actively contribute to increasing the individual and biological lifespan of human life. But here the question arises: why is this necessary for the individual and society? And is it necessary? Especially if you remember that there are already more than 6 billion people on our planet. people, and the growth rate is 3 people every second. This situation is assessed as a “demographic bomb”, the explosion of which is fraught with unpredictable consequences.

3. Need give everyone the right to choose - live or die. The problem of euthanasia(Greek euthanasia - quiet, easy, blissful death) - has been discussed quite actively in recent years with the aim of ending suffering from incurable diseases. Is this moral? How to avoid abuse when the question of the right to life must be decided by others?

It is customary to distinguish several types of euthanasia:

· active, voluntary;

· active, involuntary;

· passive, voluntary;

· passive, involuntary.

Solving the problem of euthanasia, doctors are at a crossroads: On the one side, the doctor should not be a murderer, even at the request of the patient, and on the other hand, he must ease the lot of the sufferer. There are currently only two states in the world where euthanasia is legal (the Netherlands and Australia).

However, the problem exists and requires a solution.

4. There is no need to show concern, since after the death of the body a certain part of the human being (psyche, soul, mind, essence, consciousness) passes into another world (parallel) and continues to exist. This is exactly what the American doctor and philosopher Raymond Moody states in his book “Life After Life.” He describes the memories and feelings of 50 people who returned “from there” (reanimated). To one degree or another, these memories coincide, but summing up, we can say that they are all inclined towards the idea of ​​​​transition from one state to another, that is, consciousness reaching a higher level of existence. People who have experienced this become somewhat different, they look at and relate to the reality around them in a new way. The explanation for this phenomenon can be either supernatural or completely scientific. But one thing is clear: there is a certain phenomenon, the nature of which would be nice to understand.

Thus, It can be noted that the meaning of death and immortality, as well as the ways to achieve it, are the other side of the problem of the meaning of life. These issues are resolved differently, depending on the spiritual attitude of a particular civilization.

Knowledge of the world. Knowledge about the world around us and about ourselves is necessary for a person in all types of activities. Knowledge enables a person to navigate the world of people, things, natural phenomena, and helps explain and foresee events. Thousands of years of experience of material and spiritual culture are compressed into knowledge. The process of cognition involves two sides: one side is the cognizing person (the subject of cognition), the second is the cognizable object (the object of cognition). Cognition can be sensual and rational:

1) Sensory cognition: Normal functioning of the sense organs, carried out in the following forms:

a) Sensations – direct impact on the senses, properties of objects and processes.

b) Perception - the impact on the senses of a holistic image of an object.

c) Representation is a sensory image of objects and phenomena stored in consciousness without their direct influence.

2) Rational cognition: /From lat. ratio – reason/ A necessary stage of human cognitive activity.

a) Comparison - highlighting common essential features. As a result of comparison, a concept is formed.

b) Concept - a thought that reflects objects or phenomena in their general or essential characteristics.

c) Judgment is a form of thought in which, through the connection of concepts, something is either affirmed or denied. Logically related judgments are inferences.

True and false: Truth is reliable, correct knowledge. Agnostic philosophers deny the possibility of a person obtaining true knowledge (agnosticism - inaccessible to knowledge). Criteria of truth: In the 17th – 18th centuries: a dispute between scientists about the sources of knowledge and whether reason or feelings are decisive in human cognitive activity. Opinions are divided:

1) Rationalists (reason): there are certain innate ideas, tasks of thinking, independent of sensory knowledge. Reason is considered the criterion of truth and theoretically based knowledge is accepted as true.

2) Empiricists (from the Greek empirio - experience): the decisive role in knowledge is sensory experience.

The truth of knowledge is ensured by experimental data: what is given to us in sensations, that is, in reality. The goal of science is a pure description of the facts of sensory knowledge. Practice, such as material production, experience and scientific experiment, can also be considered criteria of truth. Practical needs brought to life many branches of scientific knowledge. Knowledge about objects and phenomena can be considered correct if certain things can be done with their help.

Is truth objective (?): Many scientists believe that knowledge is subjective, because... depend on the knowing subject. Other philosophers believe that there is objective truth, independent of the arbitrariness of people and their interests. Absolute truth is undoubted, unchangeable, once and always established knowledge. It cannot be refuted with further development of knowledge. On the way to absolute truth, we receive relative truths.
Intuition. Intuition is a unique form of combining the sensual and rational in cognition

Sensory cognition is cognition through the senses (vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch). Rational cognition is cognition through thinking. Intuition is the ability to directly comprehend the truth as a result of “insight”, “inspiration”, “insight” without relying on logical justifications and evidence.
Forms sensory cognition: 1. sensation is a reflection of the individual properties of an object, phenomenon, process; 2. perception – a sensory image of a holistic picture of an object; 3. representation - an image of the object of cognition, imprinted in memory Forms rational knowledge: 1. concept is a thought that affirms the general and essential properties of an object, phenomenon, process; 2. a judgment is a thought that affirms or denies something about an object, phenomenon, process; 3. inference (conclusion) - a mental connection between several judgments and the selection of a new judgment from them. Types of inference: · inductive (from particular to general); · deductive (from general to specific); · Similarly. Kinds intuition: · mystical – associated with life experiences, emotions; · intellectual – associated with mental activity.
Features of sensory cognition: · spontaneity; · visibility and objectivity; · reproduction of external properties and aspects. Features of rational cognition: · reliance on the results of sensory cognition; abstractness and generality; · reproduction of internal regular connections and relationships. Features of intuition: · suddenness; · incomplete awareness; · the direct nature of the emergence of knowledge.
Knowledge is the unity of sensory and rational knowledge. They are closely interconnected. Intuition is a unique form of combining the sensual and rational in cognition