Protection from the evil eye and damage. Methods of magical protection during rituals

One of the most common problems that I encounter in my professional work is removing damage. And I never cease to be amazed at how many people suffer from this! But few people know that bad consequences can be avoided even before they appear. Today I will tell you about how to protect yourself from damage. Moreover, this can be done (although not always) even at home. After all, it is always better to prevent trouble than to be at its mercy.

This will be especially useful for those who have already experienced the effects of a magical ritual and do not want to feel the heavy burden of the curse again. People who have many ill-wishers and envious people, a wide circle of friends, and work related to communications are at risk every day. It’s better to protect yourself from bad influences than to suffer later. So, let’s move directly to the question: How to determine damage and “How to make protection against this negativity and other witchcraft spells.”

Signs of damage and the evil eye

Signs of negativity cannot go unnoticed by both the victim and the people around her. These could be:

- prolonged apathy, melancholy, depression- a state that was previously not characteristic of this person

- decline in affairs, in career, in business, in creativity

- presence of negative emotions - irritability, anger, aggression

- sharp deterioration in health, loss of strength, surge in various diseases

- unexpected appearance of bad habits - smoking, alcohol, drugs...

There may be other signs indicating the presence of damage, all of them indicate negative changes in the life and behavior of this person. And if measures are not taken, the situation will worsen, destroying all areas of a person’s life.

Protection from damage and negativity yourself

For self-protection from damage and the evil eye, use the power of 4 elements. Air, fire, water, and earth are the main forces that govern the physical world.

Air. Use the power of this element in breathing practice: in a quiet, calm environment, sit comfortably, relax and close your eyes. Feel the air, try to feel its soft power. Inhale air through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Concentrate on exhaling. Feel that with each exhalation, heaviness, fatigue, negativity comes out of you and liberation comes. A few minutes a day of this practice and you will feel relief.

Fire. The power of this element will definitely help you. The essence of fire is warmth and light. Damage, evil eye, curse - this is darkness. Light disperses darkness. The presence of living fire will help you get rid of negativity. Look at the fire as often as possible - dine by candlelight, sit by the fire or by the fireplace and your inner strength will be able to stop damage and the evil eye.

Water. We use this element every day, but most often, we do it unconsciously. Start with the simplest thing - when you wash your face or drink water, turn to the water, tell it something good, positive, ask it to cleanse you. And when you wash your face, or when you stand in the shower, feel that everything negative is being washed away from you.

Earth. The power of this element is also very important. If possible, walk on the earth barefoot, speak to the earth in your own words, and also ask it to take away the negativity. And you will feel that it helps.

Conspiracies against damage and the evil eye

Spell using salt:

Take a transparent bottle and place various metal objects in it. For example, nails, screws, buttons, bolts, etc. They should all end up inside. Now you will need any bowl where you will add cold water. Throw a little salt into the liquid and stir. Five minutes after the salt has dissolved, you can begin the process itself.

As you pour water into the bottle, say: “I go through life my own way. And I don’t wish illness on anyone. And if demons meet me on the way, let them go to those who sow only hatred, who curse with bad words. And may what is called evil never touch me.". After these words, you need to fill the neck of the bottle with candle wax and bury it in the ground. But remember one small detail. This conspiracy will not always protect you. If after some time it weakens, this means that the protection needs to be updated.

Wax spell:

If your energy is strong enough and you can feel external sources of strength, try using this spell. You will need a glass of water, a wax candle, some sand and a small coin. Place a coin under the threshold, sprinkle sand there and sprinkle with water. Then light a candle and, tilting it over the left edge of the threshold, drip wax onto the threshold, as if sealing it. Then read this plot: “ The seal is made of wax, and my spell is made of living force. I can’t break it with iron, I can’t wash it off with water, I can never harm anyone. Not a villain, not a sorceress, not a magician, not a sorceress. The power of the spell is eternal and endless. Truly."

How to protect against damage using amulets

Now let's figure out how to make protection against damage using amulets. In general, they are widely used not only for some sacraments, but also in everyday life. You can purchase them from magicians or make them yourself. For our next ceremony we will need this handmade item.

To make it, go to any church, mosque or any temple that you have in your area. Find a tree nearby, it doesn’t matter what kind, as long as it is located close to the temple. Pick a leaf, twig or fruit from it. A plant grown near a sacred place has a large positive charge. It absorbs everything that is bright and divine that is around. Wrap what you take in white cloth and put it in your pocket. You are allowed to unwrap the package only at home, when everything is ready for action. Place a leaf (branch, berry) on a saucer and light a candle. Pour the wax that appears on that object until it completely covers it. When the liquid hardens, place everything in a wooden box, close it tightly, transfer it to your right hand and read these words: “Good, bright energy will help protect me from everything evil, from the evil eye and love spells. Let it be so". Now your amulet is charged, it can protect you always and everywhere. Carry it with you in your bag, or put it around your neck. And remember that this talisman is only for you. Don't give it to anyone else.

Other ways to protect yourself from damage

How to do it independently for those who have never been influenced from the outside. Such people have a much higher concentration of light energy, which means it will be easier for them to protect themselves. Take out a blank sheet of paper and color it on both sides with a simple pencil. As a result, it acquires a silvery tint. Hold it with your right hand and read: “Since I am pure and my soul is not corrupted, since I was not a victim of enemies, sorcerers. So let me continue to be like this, and whoever tries to harm me will be punished in the same way. And I will remain bright and untouched as before.”. The leaf can be rolled up and placed in a wallet or clothing pocket. If after some time you notice white spots on it, it means they wanted to spoil you. Paint over such an area every time and no evil will threaten you anymore.

Protection from damage using holy water

Separately, I would like to tell you how to protect yourself from black magic using holy water. You all know that she has incredible power. The ritual with her is quite simple, but effective. Pour holy water into a small container and go outside at midnight. It is advisable to do this during the full moon. Wash your hands, feet and face while reciting the incantation: “ Today there is a full moon, I plunge into the clear water. So, from now on and always, may my soul be as pure and free from the hatred and curse of other people. May I be protected from outside influences.” But in this case, you also cannot commit any sins, otherwise everything will turn against you and you will become vulnerable.

I hope I helped you understand how to deal with black magic. In fact, there are many more ways to protect yourself from unhappiness. But they all work only in mild manifestations of negativity; if your situation is more serious, do not take risks, entrust the matter to a strong specialist.

At all times, there has been a belief that there are people with an “evil eye.” And if you put up magical protection, you can avoid negative events caused by the influence commonly called the evil eye. Usually, after the owner of a magical look looks at a small child, the baby cries a lot and may even get sick. Adults exposed to this influence usually experience trouble.

But how to install magical protection? How can you prevent the evil eye? To answer these questions, you should list the types of impact and give examples of stories from people's lives. During the Soviet Union, a mother went with her baby to the store. Along the way, she met an acquaintance who had long admired the little girl and expressed words of envy to her mother. The baby reacted negatively to this woman, crying loudly.

Even after a couple of hours, the child did not stop screaming, and white foam was already coming out of his mouth. The mother was seriously frightened and ran with her child to the witch grandmother. The old woman performed the pouring ritual on the girl for several hours, which was supposed to improve the baby’s energy. Finally, the child fell silent and was able to eat, and then fell asleep for almost a day. The sorceress not only healed the broken energy in the girl’s body, but also installed strong magical protection, thanks to which the child was no longer exposed to this type of influence.

The evil eye can be caused by envy, hatred and the desire to harm. The same emotions cause some people to “spoil” others. But the first type of impact is spontaneous, but the second type is intentional. And most often, experienced magicians or village sorcerers engage in magical manipulations that harm people. To achieve their goal, they use rituals and rituals designed specifically to harm specific individuals. Damage is a stronger influence than the evil eye, and therefore causes shock, stress and strong feelings.

To understand how corruption manifests itself in life, you need to read the following story:

A banal situation happened in one family - an elderly man decided to leave his wife for the sake of their common young colleague. The woman, offended by her husband, went to the witch, who recommended that she perform a series of actions designed to spoil the homewrecker. When all the magical passes were done, the young mistress began to get sick. After about six months, she aged greatly and began to look worse than her lover's wife. When she was completely mired in her problems and illnesses, the man left her, returning to his wife.

The third way magicians influence other people is a “love spell.” Such manipulations literally darken the victim’s mind, forcing her to follow on the heels of her tormentor or the one who ordered the magical binding. To protect yourself from an imposed feeling of love for someone you would never want to meet, you should put up a magical barrier that village witches can create. You need to take care of its installation in advance so as not to become a victim of a love spell. Since this type of exposure is very popular, you can find many people affected by it. All their “love stories” are so similar that it seems as if they were created as a carbon copy.

The bewitched person usually feels strong love for the one who bewitched him or for the one to whom the magician bewitched him. He understands that the feelings arose somehow suddenly and connected him not with the one he could have dreamed of. Intellectually, he understands that the one he supposedly loves has many of the most disgusting qualities. But he can’t help himself and continues to pin for someone who, in general, is completely unnecessary to him. The “lover” has a desire to always be close to the person who has bewitched him; he strives to take care of the latter and empathize with him. In other words, the life of the bewitched person turns into her likeness, and its main goal is to please his tormentor in everything.

To avoid the evil eye, damage and love spells, it is better to install magical protection from a specialist or try to do it yourself. The first way to protect yourself from evil people and their bad intentions comes down to visualization. You need to imagine mirrors around your body, with the reflective side facing those around you. The power of their protective functions comes from the frequency of visualization sessions and detailed presentation.

The second is the use of herbs that have magical powers. Since ancient times, St. John's wort has been famous for its ability to protect a person from magical influences. This beautiful and healthy herb should be collected in the summer, on the night of Ivan Kupala. Small bouquets are tied with strings and hung near the front door with the flowers facing down.

The third way is to put up magical protection, the same as what specialists do. To do everything right, you need to put things in order in the apartment or house where the ritual will be held. Around ten o'clock in the evening you need to take a hot bath, adding essential oil of cedar, pine or spruce to the water. At twelve o'clock at night you need to draw a star with five rays on the floor. And then connect them in a circle. You will get a pentagram in a circle. For each ray of the star, one candle should be placed. The one who performs the magic ritual needs to position himself in the center of the symbol drawn on the floor. You need to sit in such a way that you do not feel discomfort.

Closing your eyes, you need to tune in to a better reality. For this to happen, you need to relax greatly, to the point of half-asleep. Then, you need to imagine how the edges of the five-pointed star grow upward, forming a three-dimensional figure that protects you from the outside world. You also need to mentally strengthen the fire of the candles, which in your visualization should harden the walls of the protective barrier. When the ritual is completed, you need to extinguish the fire of the candles and go to bed. What was written on the floor does not need to be washed for twelve hours, and candles cannot be removed during this time. After magical protection is established, everyday life will begin to improve on the fifteenth day. The duration of the magical protection depends on the mental strength of the one who performed the ritual.

Those who are afraid of the magical influence of unkind people should stock up on signs of protection:

1. A circle is called a shape that eliminates any influence. To activate its protective powers, you need to draw it on the floor or mentally around you. Then you should say the phrase: “The circle protects, the sorcerer does not harm.”

2. When there is a feeling that life is collapsing and everything is perceived in a negative light, you should use a spiral. You can give strength to this sign by imagining it at the level of the stomach, where the will chakra is located, or by holding the spiral at this level. When you feel unity with this sign, you should say: “The spiral will unwind, I will succeed.”

3. The hexagonal Star of David is considered a cabalistic sign, capable of removing even the most severe damage. This symbol can be worn on a chain, around the neck or on the arm. And to activate its protective functions, you should imagine yourself in the center of a three-dimensional, six-rayed star.

4. Despite the scary stories that people tell each other about sorcerers using a five-pointed star, this sign should not be considered negative. An asterisk with five rays can protect even a very powerful magician from the tricks. It must be worn on a black string. To activate it, you need to send energy to the star, which, passing through this symbol, creates something like a protective cocoon around the body.

If you use signs that can protect against damage, the evil eye and love spells, and also carry out magical rituals that establish protection, you will be able to avoid many problems in life. In addition to the methods of magical self-defense listed in this publication, there are also ancient magical spells. They have quite a lot of power. Therefore, they can be used in conjunction with other methods of protection. A few of these spells:

“You looked at me with anger - you won’t escape hellfire.”

“If he said something bad about me, he punished himself.”

“If you want my love, cut off your ties.”

One of my friends goes to church and at the same time is interested in a non-Christian activity - either transmeditation, or some kind of magic, or I don’t know what it’s called correctly. When I told her: “How can you, this is hypocrisy, what a sin!”, She answered me that, they say, nowhere in the Bible is there a ban on these things, there are no such commandments prohibiting either. And I don’t even know what to answer her. Help me please. Save me, God.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

Holy Scripture any forms of fortune telling, witchcraft, magic, etc. calls it an abomination and strictly prohibits: “Do not turn to those who summon the dead, and do not go to wizards, and do not bring yourself to the point of being desecrated by them. I am the Lord your God"(Lev 19:31). Deuteronomy repeats this prohibition: “When you enter the land that the Lord your God is giving you, then do not learn to do the abominations that these nations have done: you shall not have anyone who leads his son or daughter through fire, a soothsayer, a fortuneteller, a sorcerer, a sorcerer, a charmer, spirits, magician and questioner of the dead; For everyone who does this is an abomination to the Lord, and for these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you; be blameless before the Lord your God"(Deut.18:9-13). Anyone who practiced witchcraft was subject to the death penalty according to the Law (Lev. 20:6, 27). The Bible says with praise about Josiah (2 Kings 23:24) that he cleansed the land of all fortunetellers. The New Testament Church adopted from the Holy Scriptures the prohibition of all types of witchcraft as a satanic activity and adopted special rules at the VI Ecumenical Council and other Councils: “Those who surrender themselves to magicians, or the so-called rulers of hundreds, or others like that, in order to learn from them what they want to reveal to them, in accordance with the previous paternal decrees about them, but are subject to the rule of six years of penance. The same penance should be applied to those who lead bears or other animals to ridicule and to the harm of protozoans, and combining deception with madness, pronounce fortune-telling about happiness, about fate, about genealogy and many other similar rumors; likewise the so-called cloud-catchers, charmers, makers of protective talismans, and sorcerers. Those who are stubborn in this, and do not convert and do not run away from such destructive and pagan inventions, we determine to completely eject from the Church, as the sacred rules command. For what kind of communication of light into darkness, as the Apostle says: or what kind of laying down of the Church of God from idols; or what part the faithful have with the unfaithful; What kind of agreement does Christ have with Belial (2 Cor. 6:14-16)? (61st rule of the VI Ecumenical Council).

And in our time, the devil tempts people with this destructive activity. Such people become captives of demonic forces. Gradually their spirituality fades away. They become immune to Divine truth. These people have neither the will nor the ability to free themselves from the power of the devil. Often such people begin to experience mental disorders. A condition arises, which in spiritual literature is called obsession. Getting rid of demonic shackles requires a person to decisively renounce Satan and sincere repentance. Pastors must show sensitivity and attention to them in order to help them return to saving life in the Church. Experience shows that treatment is not easy, but with good will and determination, with God’s help, you can become a spiritually complete person.

Hieromonk Job (Gumerov) answers:

Holy Scripture any forms of fortune telling, witchcraft, magic, etc. calls it an abomination and strictly forbids: “Do not turn to those who summon the dead, and do not go to wizards, and do not bring yourself to the point of defilement from them. I am the Lord your God” (Lev 19:31). This prohibition is repeated in Deuteronomy: “When you enter into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, then do not learn to do the abominations that these nations have done: you shall not have anyone with you who makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire, or a soothsayer, a fortune-teller, or a soothsayer. , sorcerer, charmer, conjurer of spirits, wizard and interrogator of the dead; For everyone who does this is an abomination to the Lord, and for these abominations the Lord your God drives them out from before you; Be blameless before the Lord your God” (Deut. 18:9-13). Anyone who practiced witchcraft was subject to the death penalty according to the Law (Lev. 20:6, 27). The Bible says with praise about Josiah (2 Kings 23:24) that he cleansed the land of all fortunetellers. The New Testament Church adopted from the Holy Scriptures the prohibition of all types of witchcraft as a satanic activity and adopted special rules at the VI Ecumenical Council and other Councils: “Those who surrender themselves to magicians, or the so-called rulers of hundreds, or others like that, in order to learn from them what they want to reveal to them, in accordance with the previous paternal decrees about them, but are subject to the rule of six years of penance. The same penance should be applied to those who lead bears or other animals to ridicule and to the harm of protozoans, and combining deception with madness, pronounce fortune-telling about happiness, about fate, about genealogy and many other similar rumors; likewise the so-called cloud-catchers, charmers, makers of protective talismans, and sorcerers. Those who are stubborn in this, and do not convert and do not run away from such destructive and pagan inventions, we determine to completely eject from the Church, as the sacred rules command. For what kind of communication of light into darkness, as the Apostle says: or what kind of laying down of the Church of God from idols; or what part the faithful have with the unfaithful; What kind of agreement does Christ have with Belial (2 Cor. 6:14-16)? (61st rule of the VI Ecumenical Council).

And in our time, the devil tempts people with this destructive activity. Such people become captives of demonic forces. Gradually their spirituality fades away. They become immune to Divine truth. These people have neither the will nor the ability to free themselves from the power of the devil. Often such people begin to experience mental disorders. A condition arises, which in spiritual literature is called obsession. Getting rid of demonic shackles requires a person to decisively renounce Satan and sincere repentance. Pastors must show sensitivity and attention to them in order to help them return to saving life in the Church. Experience shows that treatment is not easy, but with good will and determination, with God’s help, you can become a spiritually complete person.

It happens that a person cannot figure out the reason for his poor health or illness, tries to look for the root of the problem in medicine, and in turn simply throws up his hands in helplessness. Sooner or later, a person will come to the conclusion that poor health or a streak of bad luck may not be related to health as such, the reason may lie in a negative black influence from the outside, that is, damage or the evil eye. To prevent this from happening, magicians recommend preventing damage and the evil eye; then we will talk about how to protect yourself and your family.

Why is magical protection so important?

Many of you may think that it is extremely difficult to receive magical harm at the present time, because few people in the 21st century would want to practice magic, cause damage or send an eye. It is worth saying that this opinion is wrong, because often you can simply jinx it involuntarily, mentally, so you need to know how to install protection against damage. This can happen if a person has powerful energy, is jealous of you, or wishes harm. This effect is called the evil eye, its strength will directly depend on whether the performer of the ritual has real power or whether what happened can be called an accident.

Separately, it is worth mentioning those cases when damage and harm are caused on purpose, that is, intentionally. In this version, the person who ordered or performed the ritual reads certain magical prayers and uses ritual objects that should harm you. This influence is called damage; it is worth saying that it is extremely difficult to remove and remove it. Therefore, as in the treatment of diseases, it is better to install protection against damage and the evil eye than to bother removing it, canceling it or returning it to the performer.

It is also necessary to say that the victim of magic does not immediately understand that something is wrong with him. Usually, quite a long time passes before the thought comes to mind that this is damage or the evil eye.

As for removing the negative impact, removing it is not always as easy as it is described on the Internet or in films on this topic. Firstly, you need to have a certain energy strength, at least minimal knowledge of magic, and also be deeply confident that everything will succeed. In addition, it is worth saying that it is often impossible to avoid a negative side effect, since the performer of the ritual can take all the negativity upon himself. This phenomenon in magic is called the reverse side or rollback, and it happens quite often. In order not to tempt fate, it is better to take care in advance to put up protection in advance and strengthen your own energy field.

Universal protection against magic

So, let's move on to a detailed description of how exactly protection against magic is installed, what is worth mentioning is the extraordinary power of amulets, talismans, amulets and even tattoos. Such objects usually have the most powerful protective energy power. In order for them to gain such power, they need to find a suitable object that will be constantly nearby, and also read certain words on it, that is, perform a ritual.

We will describe the simplest method that will reliably protect you from amateur magic, that is, witchcraft that was performed independently at home without the involvement of professionals.

As soon as you feel the slightest deviation in your health, and the symptoms do not resemble a common cold, proceed to the following steps. You need to put your palms together, as is usually done during prayer, then stand in front of the mirror and say the following words:

“Let the blackness go to the blackness, take away the darkness and return the light. Let this abyss open and light appear on my path. God, help me to be strong, amen.”

Protective talisman

As was already said earlier, talismans and amulets can become the strongest protection against magic from the outside, and they can be made independently at home; you do not need to have any special knowledge.

Today we will analyze one of the most powerful talismans, a talisman with pentagrams. To make it yourself you will need:

  • Sheet of cardboard
  • Black ink
  • Herbal mixture must include wormwood
  • A bag made of leather, you can buy it or sew it yourself
  • A piece of red thread

The first thing you need to do is cut out three absolutely identical squares, usually the side of the geometric figure is no more than 5 cm. After this, you need to draw a certain ritual design on each side with ink, this is a cross. Moreover, in the first picture it will be one cross, in the second – two, in the third – three. To enhance the effect, magicians, witches and sorcerers recommend grinding the herb and adding it directly to the ink, this will increase the chances of providing strong protection against damage for yourself. Some magicians put a small photo of the person who ordered the ritual there.

Now you need to use a red thread to connect all three pictures together by completely tying them up. When the bundle is ready, put it in a bag and sprinkle generously with herbs. We can say that the talisman is ready. Now, in order for it to fulfill its purpose, you must always carry it with you, and the closer to your heart it is, the more powerful the protection will be.

Mirror conspiracy

The advantages of such a mirror ritual are to put a barrier against negative black magic, as well as protect a person from all sorts of life troubles that happen periodically to each of us. The first thing you need to do is order or buy a mirror; it will help protect yourself from negativity. It is worth saying that it must be new, round and have a certain size - the diameter of the circle must be 4 centimeters.

In addition, an important condition is that the mirror must be two-way. After the necessary item has been purchased, it is necessary to cover it with black leather or velvet, and then carry it with you constantly in your bag or pocket.

Protective spell for salt

There are many conspiracies and rituals that are performed using salt as a guide; there are the same prayers for protection. Prayer words should be spoken so that your lips are as close as possible to the crystals; even a slight touch of your lips is allowed.

In the evening, when the moon is already visible in the sky, close yourself in a room and begin reading the magic words:

“I’ll pour salt into the eyes of the offenders, let them choke on their evil words and hatred, let it stand in their way in grief, let them bypass me. Amen".

Now in front of you is no longer ordinary salt, but enchanted salt. It should be placed in a thick bag, sewn with your own hands, and carried with you as often as possible. It is recommended to place it under your pillow while sleeping.

Needle protection

You can also provide protection against the evil eye and damage using a needle. The ritual described can be performed many times, for example every day before going to bed. The key item in this case is a needle. Wait for a starry night, take a needle with the fingers of your right hand and mentally pierce three stars located in the sky. At the same time, it is important to imagine in your imagination that a ball of cosmic energy is formed at the tip of the needle, which will subsequently work for your protection. It is worth saying that this ritual connects not just cosmic energy, but uses a mechanism such as visualization, which turns out to be extremely useful in many aspects of human life.

Try to use your imagination as much as possible, because the success of the ceremony will directly depend on this. Next, you need to carry such a needle with you, but do this very carefully so as not to injure yourself or prick yourself.

Traditional pin

Few of us do not know that a pin has long been used by people to protect against the evil eye and damage; it is customary to pin it on the back of clothes. Usually, an area for wearing is chosen so that the magical object is located as close to the heart as possible, which is why women often attach it to their bra. It is worth saying that there is no need to carry out any special prayers or rituals; the pin itself is an object that can protect you from negativity. Let's learn how to properly install protection against damage using a pin.

It is important to understand in time when it is time to change the pin. To do this, you need to carefully inspect it every day and change it as necessary. If you find that the sharp tip of the product has darkened, this indicates that the pin has already fulfilled its purpose and prevented negative magical effects in your direction. Before attaching a new one, you need to read the Lord's Prayer, cross yourself three times and spit over your right shoulder. A used amulet cannot just be thrown away, it can only be buried, and fastening it before this is strictly prohibited, this means a lot.

Pouch for protection

Protection bags are used as often as pins, this is explained by the fact that they are very easy to make yourself without outside help. Sew a small bag that will be convenient to carry with you, it is advisable to choose red fabric for this, this color has energetic power. Now take care of the contents of the talisman. The following herbs need to be collected:

  • Verbena
  • Dill
  • Chamomile
  • Yarrow

In addition to herbs, do not forget to put one teaspoon of salt inside. Now that the product is filled, you need to read a special prayer while holding it in your hands, and then tie it tightly with a rope.

“I will not hide my strength in a bag, Opr Shoea Shoren. Let me shield myself from evil by force, Opr Shoev is blind. Go the other way. Amen.".

It is advisable to never part with this product; always carry it with you, wherever you are - at home or at work.

Closing spell

To perform this ritual you will not need any special items. All you have to do is read certain words while fastening the zipper, buttons or tying the laces on your shoes. This will seal your internal energy inside and prevent anything outside from penetrating into it. The words that should be pronounced are as follows:

“Al Kharabudeh, Zhivr Lorp, golb ayn.”

These words will help lock a person’s biofield and protect him from the evil eye and damage.

If remembering the words of an ancient spell is too difficult, you can use a modern interpretation of a locking spell, which is offered by the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova:

“Lock the lock with a bolt, don’t let an evil word break through the reservation, let another road wind nearby, but it won’t enter the house. Amen".

We install protection using rowan

Spells and rituals that involve natural components have always been considered one of the most powerful and luminous. So, to protect a person from magic, you can use rowan. Find a virgin, untouched rowan bush, tear off two branches from it and bring it home. Already at home, fold them so that a cross is formed, and then tie them tightly with red silk thread. During these manipulations, whisper the following words of white magic:

“Ord Natiyov, naor kinda, natiy dolr.”

The branches should be placed as close to the front door as possible; they will prevent negative energy and influence from entering the confines of your house or apartment, and will also help cleanse the house of existing damage or the evil eye.

We protect your home from the evil eye and damage

Individual protection is not always enough, so it is recommended to additionally protect a house or apartment; it is impossible to install protection on a home in a church; the ceremony is carried out exclusively indoors. To maximize the effect, you first need to consecrate your house or apartment. To do this, you can invite a priest to your house who will conduct a Christian Orthodox ceremony, or you can do everything yourself. To conduct an independent ceremony you will need holy water and church candles. Light the candles, walk with them around the house, reciting the Lord’s Prayer, and then sprinkle all the corners with water.

Now you can proceed to the direct barrier spell, that is, to put protection against damage. To carry it out you will need onions, a needle and red thread. It is worth saying that the number of bulbs should correspond to the number of rooms in the house or apartment. You need to use a needle and thread to string the bulbs, as if you were making beads. At the same time, after stringing each of them, tie the bow for strength. Now this bundle must hang in the apartment near the front door for exactly seven nights, after which the magical product must be burned in a fire.

Protection for the whole family

Each of us strives to protect not only ourselves, but also our entire family - mother, beloved husband, children, grandchildren, and so on. To establish collective protection, that is, to protect a family, you need to go to the nearest forest early in the morning, collect aspen branches and bring them home. Put them in a single pile and say the words of the magic spell:

“My family is my fortress, I won’t let anyone in, I’m building a fortress against evil.”

After this, say other words, call each family member by name, including young children.

“I conjure you, (name), from unclean magic, from the evil eye, from black thoughts, from cursed enemies and ill-wishers, from vile feelings, from the envy of another person. Sending you strength and wisdom, man. Amen".

As for repetitions, you can repeat the ritual, but not more often than once a calendar year, as experienced magicians say. Now you know how to put the right protection against the evil eye and damage to your family.

How to protect your family from damage

If you feel that something wrong is going on in the family, you suspect damage, this is not the time to hesitate, you should take action immediately. Take a Christian icon, preferably an image of the saints Faith, Hope, Love, read a prayer on it early in the morning immediately after waking up and late in the evening before going to bed.

It is worth saying that the same spell can be used for casting; they are often used by magicians in their work.

Ritual with coins and candle

This ritual is considered one of the most difficult, but at the same time effective. With its help, you can provide protection not only for yourself, but also resolve the issue of providing protection for all family members. The first thing to do is choose the right time - the night of the waxing moon. To perform the ritual, you will need exactly nine candles purchased from a temple or church, a pinch of salt, water blessed in the church and nine coins of the same denomination. Coins need to be placed in the corners of the apartment; this is done at the very beginning of the ritual. Now light the first candle and place it so that it stands in the middle of the apartment or house. Light the second candle from the flame of the first and follow into the room. You have to walk around the entire room very carefully, without missing a single corner and cranny, while whispering the following words:

“God, be merciful, show us your grace, protect man from demons and the devil, do not let magicians disturb our peace. Let the tears remain behind the threshold and touch you in your dreams. May faith in you, my God, be strong and unshakable.”

Thus, it is necessary to use all the candles except the last one; leave it to complete the ritual. As for the coins, they need to be scattered chaotically near the first candle; at the end of the protection ritual, they are collected and distributed to the poor and needy, or taken to church.

Now you know how to independently install protection against evil eye damage. In conclusion, it is worth saying that absolutely anyone can cast a protective spell; for this it is not necessary to have experience in using magic. There is only one condition under which the ritual will work - your thoughts must be completely pure, you cannot commit any trespasses or sins. If this happens, be sure to repent and ask God for forgiveness, only then proceed to witchcraft.