Don't confuse Luck with Success. What is luck? Is there luck? Do we live in harmony with ourselves

Many people believe that all their successes are luck and failures are attributed to bad luck... Do these concepts really exist, or are our fears and indecision preventing us from reaching heights?

Many events happen for a reason: we worked to achieve the goal, tried, and finally gave us what we wanted so much.

On the other hand, something does not happen because of bad luck, the wrong moment, or because fate favors or does not favor us in a certain period of time.

We want so much from life that sometimes it seems to us that nothing happens and fate has forgotten about us. In fact, you need to learn to look at things from a different point of view.

We and only we ourselves are responsible for our life. If we want something we have to go and get ours.... Fate and luck rarely accompany us, so we need learn to be the smiths of your own happiness... It is then that we will see how our life is changing for the better.

Let's think about it together in the continuation of the article!

Everything has a reason

Surely this happened to you more than once: your colleague, neighbor, or they said how well everything is developing in your life and what a lucky person you are.

We claim that luck is actually the result of daily effort and willpower. Not everything in life happens the way we would like, most of the time it takes effort to succeed.

Luck and bad luck

So do luck and bad luck really exist?

A small percentage of uncontrollable accidents should not be overlooked. For example, we cannot protect ourselves from certain diseases and accidents, we cannot control the reaction and desires of the people around us.

  • Luck and bad luck exist, however, most of the things that happen in our life, we can almost always control.
  • Many people do not even realize how much they are able to manage their lives and get what they want.
  • Psychologists like to talk about "internal and external locus of control." People with an external locus of control tend to attribute everything to chance or to the efforts of others.
  • If something goes wrong, they also attribute it to external factors, rather than their own interference or flaw.
  • People must learn to develop an inner locus of control and take responsibility for their own lives.

This is the only way we begin to learn from our mistakes and understand that a lot of good things happen to us because we deserve them.

Why isn't the desired thing happening?

We want to be happy, but we can't. Is there an evil invisible force that hinders us? In fact, unhappiness is always associated with certain factors that need to be learned to identify. So, most often it interferes with us:


- this is the root of all unhappiness, which does not allow you to step forward and achieve success in something.

  • It cuts our wings and prevents us from responding correctly to events. and also makes us forget that while we are afraid, someone else is doing well. All of this uses the same external locus of control, which we talked about above.


  • We all suffer from indecision at some point in time. It is she who prevents us from acting.
  • Life is slowly turning into a film, the plot of which takes place somewhere outside our windows., but we, alas, do not get the main roles in it.

If you have reached the point where it seems to you that nothing happens or changes in life, think about it. Perhaps right now you need to go outside and finally get active.

Expectations that are too high are also dangerous.

Happiness is not something that is worth waiting for like the dawn, a person creates for himself. To do this, you need to stop hoping for a miracle and start acting.

Get rid of fears and self-doubt, refuse to communicate with people who are not suitable for you. Those who want to see you indecisive and unhappy.

- in motion, literally and figuratively. Get rid of the routine and finally get out of your comfort zone.

This is the only way to make your dreams come true!

Accidents are not accidental - the laws of luck actually exist. Luck depends on certain factors, knowing which, you can make fortune your constant companion.

Many people are used to thinking that luck is only temporary. But in reality everything is exactly the opposite. Luck is a process that obeys its own strict laws. The knowledge you gain by reading this article will overnight change the way you think about life and personal success in general.

What our luck depends on

Research by parapsychologists in this area shows that luck is nothing more than a pattern of random events that directly depend on human psychology. There is also an esoteric point of view that insists that capricious fortune can be attracted in various ways. Every opinion is partly true. But in order to understand the laws by which luck is present or absent in our life, it is necessary to forget about everything that you know for a few minutes and prepare your mind for new information.

8. Increased self-esteem. Losers are usually insecure people. Against the background of the lucky ones, they are distinguished by restraint and timidity. A successful person is not afraid to be branded as an ignoramus, a lazy person or a boor, saying: “So what? It happens to everyone?". In any case, the winner is the one who does not succumb to difficulties and is not afraid to learn from mistakes.

9. Respect for luck. Imagine a situation: you tried, worked, and turned away from you simply because you are too good. Cognitive dissonance, right? Likewise, luck does not understand why it came to you, and you are all waiting for trouble. Rejoice at the happy occasion, and he will definitely return again, inviting several companions with him.

10. Unreasonable conclusions. Losers make the deadly mistake of believing that if they are lucky, it must be for something. Successful people just enjoy the moment. This means that it should have been. The search for truth often spoils the happy moment in which it is time to start acting, and not digging into the origins and causes.

11. Habits. Any pleasure can be turned into a familiar way of life, into a routine. Until the new has become a habit, it brings happiness, but as soon as it becomes part of life, it turns into something everyday and joyless. Life is dynamic and requires constant pushing outside your comfort zone. Yes, it's warm and cozy, but terribly boring.

12. Dealing with failures. You do not need to work out in detail and remember your mistakes. The conclusion you drew the first time after thinking about the situation is helpful and revealing. The rest of self-criticism only plunges you into negative energy. The lucky ones look for new opportunities - and new mistakes.

13. Personal responsibility. Shifting responsibility onto others is the last thing. Do not blame people, events, fate for your mistakes - blame yourself. In your hands is your personal happiness, for which you are primarily responsible to yourself.

14. Happy aura. It's simple: believing in bad luck attracts bad luck, while hope for the best attracts good luck. Faith determines your future destiny, so be careful when working with this powerful weapon.

15. Struggle with yourself. You can't go recklessly, completely disregarding your own opinion. If you go against yourself, break your uniqueness and do not accept yourself as you are, then failure will destroy you. Happiness lies in accepting your inner world, your needs and desires. Learn to do the way you want.

16. Optimism. One familiar and familiar thing can be interpreted in different ways. For a pessimist, the glass is always half empty. And so in everything. Learn to notice positive details. Making familiar little things turn into good opportunities is easy. It is enough to look at everything through the prism of optimism.

17. Justified risks. The Universe is telling you with all its might that your life will soon change, and you are afraid of change? You shouldn't be afraid of them. Of course, there is no guarantee that you will emerge victorious from any game, but hiding and postponing opportunities, you will never be able to find out what it could be. Remember that with an optimistic approach, all doors will open in front of you.

18. A fairy tale for adults. Since childhood, we have been shown adults who are full of problems, they are serious and gloomy. At first we were afraid of them, and now we are afraid to be happy. Happiness is not determined by social status, just as luck does not depend on money. Successful people are not afraid to act like children and live in the moment, so they may not fit into the usual framework. But this is the only way to a happy life.

On his birthday, the birthday man is first wished good health, then good luck, luck in everything, success and so on.

Having good health, we are able to create, love and just live. And with fortune, you can achieve unprecedented heights. Does she smile at everyone? We will talk about this in our article.

What is the meaning of the word "luck"

In general, this is a relative concept. Because luck comes, as a rule, to those who strive to achieve some goal. But don't confuse it with success, which we'll talk about a little later.

Thus, luck is a positive outcome of any event that is associated with unpredictable circumstances in a person's life path. This is the desired outcome of an enterprise. Luck is synonymous with luck.

Now let's get back to success

He overtakes those who work tirelessly to realize their dreams. There is nothing difficult, performing a certain algorithm of actions in any chosen area, working diligently on the result, you will certainly achieve success. And luck is the reward of optimists who do not lose faith, but continue to take consistent steps to achieve a goal. Although there may be no certainty of a favorable outcome.

We conclude that success is in human power, and it’s impossible to subjugate luck.

But don't rely on just one fortune

Because luck is a fleeting thing that requires lightning-fast decisions. That is, it will be received by a person who can get the most out of a favorable situation, and not the one who will miss the moment. This suggests that you need to make some effort so that fortune turns to face you.

Even if at some stage luck turns away from you, because she is a changeable lady, then thanks to perseverance and hard work, the achieved success will remain forever. And players should understand that having hit a huge jackpot, they should not rely on further success, because this may not happen again.

Having analyzed these situations, we see that the terms luck and success have different meanings.

Luck is the same as luck or not?

We already have a concept of the first term. And what is synonymous with luck - luck?

Let's remember the term discussed earlier. Luck is an accomplished event that meets the expectations of a person. This is one big event.

But luck is a periodically repeating event or an accumulation of certain happy circumstances, each of which can be called a separate luck. In other words, this is not one incident, but a series of recurring identical phenomena.

These two words also have differences in usage and collocation. Suppose, sending a person on a long journey, we wish good luck, not luck. On another example, it will be more clear: "the event ended in failure ...". You can't use "bad luck" here.

Now you can see that these synonyms also have different meanings.

Is it possible to become happy?

Of course yes. There are methods that will help you with this:

  • Positive thinking. Everyone knows that thoughts are material. Therefore, they should be bright and positive, aimed at achieving the goal and at success.
  • The optimistic attitude and behavior of a successful person are aimed at seizing a lucky chance in time and taking advantage of it. Such people are able to squeeze the maximum out of even small accidents. They can be in the right place at the right time and still be in the mood for the situation.
  • Happy people are attracted to good events. How? Everything is very simple. They move in a wide circle of people. Communication, new acquaintances provide endless opportunities. After all, no one knows where a profitable and interesting offer can come from. One fateful meeting or invitation can turn your whole life around. Risk aversion, optimism and communication skills will help you get a happy chance.
  • Buy lottery tickets. After all, having never acquired them, one cannot hope for a win, and everyone definitely has the opportunity to get it. Maybe you will be lucky.

It cannot be said for certain that you can become lucky. But sitting at home with folded hands, being in a depressive state, this will definitely not be achieved.

First, you need to understand: in order for luck to accompany you, you need to change something in your life. So, the recommendations:

  • It's worth the risk. Of course, we are not talking about thoughtless actions. You do not need to invest all your savings in an unfamiliar and suspicious event. The risk must be justified.
  • Visualize your goal. This suggests that you need to present your dream in great detail. You can depict her in the form of a collage and constantly think about her.
  • Do not neglect any random event. Happiness will not fall on your head if you sit back.
  • Don't be afraid to be wrong. It's not scary. Any experience adds to our knowledge base, which will help us to avoid new mistakes in the future.
  • Get a good luck talisman. It doesn't matter what it will be - a frog with coins, a pyramid or a horseshoe. The main thing is to believe in its strength. Faith works miracles.

All of these tips will help improve your overall quality of life.

And British psychologist Richard Weissman identifies four principles that will help attract good luck into your life:

  1. Opportunity optimization needs to be done. His book The Luck Factor suggests that extroverts and level-headed people are more successful. The new cannot be denied.
  2. You need to listen to your inner voice. Lucky people develop intuition in every possible way, it allows you to achieve unprecedented heights.
  3. We must wait for good luck. Optimists train in themselves endurance, which helps to fight failures, not to be afraid of them. They never lose faith that everything will work out, although the chances may be slim. You need to believe that you are lucky, and you will definitely become one.
  4. Turning bad luck into good luck. The lucky ones never get discouraged and don't stop at one place. All mistakes and mistakes are perceived philosophically, relying on the fact that in the future they will turn into success.

We are the creators of our own destiny. Having received some disappointment or a blow, having closed at home alone with a problem, plunged into depression, we will not get a new chance, another opportunity to fix everything. Change for the better, enjoy wonderful moments, and then the world around you will become friendly, bright, and life - happy.

Let's give a modern definition and figure out what luck is. Yes, it is modern, because in ancient times the meaning of the word luck was different than now.

What is Luck in the modern sense, it is a positively perceived event that arose as a result of an accidental, unpredictable or disregarded combination of circumstances. It can also indicate the desired outcome of an event or action, especially in situations where it is not (entirely) dependent on the actions or decisions of the person concerned. Another word used for luck is luck. (Wikipedia)

Is it possible to consider as good luck only what “fell on us from the sky” and not what has developed as a result of everyday and hard work? I think so. Do not confuse Luck and Success. After all luck is it- an accidental coincidence of circumstances, and success is a planned result that completely depends on our actions, on our desires, on our faith. Luck is not our merit, just like our merit lottery win... Luck falls on you simply because you're lucky.

On one of the sites I came across an argument: “ Now imagine the following situation: a working person continues to work as before, and the player who plays one day breaks a big jackpot. You say that luck came to the second, that he was lucky? But they both strove for a certain result: working for a salary, and playing for the coveted jackpot. But luck came to both: one was paid a salary, and the other won the coveted amount.

Let's make a small conclusion: luck is a relative concept and every person has the right to consider any event in his life as good luck. She, as a rule, comes to the one who strives for his goal.Hence, in order not to frighten off luck, you need to work diligently to achieve your goals and translate your ideas and projects into reality. "

Man clearly confuses luck with success. The one who received the salary even knew the date when he would be calculated. For the player, this is a random, only desired outcome. Luck is a temporary phenomenon (it is like a coin that you flip and 50/50 you are sure that the heads will come out), and success is one hundred percent result of “tossing”. Luck and success are quite different things. Success comes to those who have earned it. You knew what you wanted, you did what was needed for this, you got what you aspired to: this is your success, and it is always with you. The biggest difference is that we are completely in control of success, but we have no control over luck (although you can disagree with this, probably along with ways to achieve success, there is also a formula for luck)!

It is pleasant to be successful, it is prestigious to be successful. And, of course, it is much more reliable: the bird of luck does not arrive on schedule. But if he hovers, then more often he chooses people who are enterprising and quick-witted. After all, what is luck? Luck is not only a favorable combination of circumstances, but also our willingness to take advantage of them.

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Archimandrite Cleopa (Elijah). “Be vigilant, wish each other well-being and God's Help, not the devil!” I see that in some commemorations you mentioned the demon Luck, writing: “About the luck of your daughter”, “About the luck of your son”, “About the luck of your family.” Why did you write the devil in my memoir? " Published on the web portal

Do you know who Luck was?

It was the largest demon who mowed millions of souls. Moloch, or "Luck", was the god of happiness among the Romans, Sumerians and Carthaginians.

What was this god Moloch, or "Luck" as we call him today? His statue, cast in copper or silver, was carried on a two-wheeled cart. On his back he had a copper stove, and in front of him was a copper frying pan; behind, in Luck, they threw firewood until the statue glowed hot. And the priests carried him in their hands, axes, large and well-honed.

What sacrifice did Fortune accept?

Only nursing babies from mothers' hands. We came to the village where you live. They dragged the chariot of Good Luck with a frying pan red-hot, and called, clapping his hands: "Who wants good luck, bring a sacrifice to Good luck!" And listen to the crazy women, they said to each other: "Kuma, will you give your child?" The woman took the child from her father's hands, put it in the hands of the idol minister, he cut it into pieces and put it on the Fortune frying pan to fry. So up to 40-50 children at a time he put on that frying pan ”...

Probably, many have a question. After all, "moloch" means "king", "royal". What does luck have to do with it?

Many sources indicate that it was a strong, powerful demon that took many lives. Many people worshiped Moloch at that time. Therefore, it is not surprising that “moloch” is translated precisely as “royal”.

Now let's take a look at the definitions, read about what kind of idol it was in general.

“Moloch (Latin Moloch sob.“ King ”) is the name of the Semitic deity mentioned in the Bible, who was worshiped by the Jews during the exodus (Amos 5:26) and during the time of King Solomon (3 Kings 11: 7). The worship of Moloch was distinguished by the sacrifice of children through a burnt offering. God, giving the law to Moses, already then categorically forbade, on pain of death, such a form of worshiping other gods (Lev. 18:21; Lev. 20: 2). In addition to the Jews, Moloch was worshiped by the Ammonites (1 Kings 11: 7) and the Phoenicians (they knew him as Melkart). A similar cult was practiced by the Moabites. "

It is clear: a terrible, regal demon who accepted the sacrifices of babies.

Now let's read the texts about the words of Elder Cleopa in Romanian and see how this Moloch is connected with good luck. Elder Cleopa from Romania. And it is likely that the text contains errors related to translation, or simply errors of interpretation. But if he is accurately quoted, then the elder is talking about the demon Noroc. In our language "noroc" is translated as "luck".

Cleopa Elijah says: "Who is this god Moloch or good luck, as they call him today?"

And in some places the word "luck" is used as a proper name, in the texts it is written with a capital letter.

What sacrifice did Fortune accept?

It turns out that the elder is talking about the same demon.

So that's it. In short. It says in this text that before the coming of Christ, people for each sin had their own demon, an idol, whom they venerated as a deity. Mars, deity of war. Aforodita, the deity of lust. But Moloch is a deity, an idol, to whom terrible sacrifices of children were brought to get good luck.

Further, the elder describes who this idol Moloch was. And how women carried babies to him as a sacrifice, explaining that they wanted to get good luck. And then he quotes the words of the prophet Isaiah. If we take a modern translation of the poems he talks about, they sound like this:

“But those who have forsaken the Lord, I will punish. They forgot about My holy grief and began to worship luck and rely on the unfaithful god of fate. "

That is why Elder Cleopas asks not to wish good luck to anyone, not to call on it! Because in fact, invoking good luck, we turn not to our Lord Jesus Christ, but to demonic forces, as once upon a time in those idolatrous times ...