It's hard for you to start something. I can’t bring myself to do something, and meanwhile life is crumbling. So how do I start a new business? Example in studio

This article is for those who cannot bring themselves to do something in any way. Here I will tell you why this happens, namely, why a person cannot bring himself to work. Is this your fault, and what needs to be done to finally start doing something. This article is motivational, so read it cover to cover. I hope you have the strength to do it. And who knows, maybe you are too lazy to do it. So let's get started.

How to get yourself to work?

I want to start writing the answer to this question with a well-known phrase: "There are no lazy people, there are those who do not motivate."... This phrase justifies many lazy people. In fact, it is so. If a person has something, he runs ahead of the locomotive. Well, if not, he doesn't do anything.

In life, each of us has had such moments when we caught fire with an idea, but after a while faded away. For example, a person wanted to, began to take some steps, and a month later discovered that all his efforts had led to little results. Bummer is what it's called. Of course, the second attempt was not as strong as the first. And there was no third attempt at all.

And these breakdowns in life also demotivate us to do something. We remember them and therefore do not want to work. What if it doesn't work again? Nobody wants to waste efforts and then be left with nothing. It is this experience that does not allow you to work 100%. Therefore, it is necessary to get rid of it somehow.

Another common reason for doing nothing is being unimportant. As long as a person can do without something, he will not work. Now I will give you a funny example. Look, when a person does not really want to go to the toilet, he is in no hurry to look for corners and bushes to relieve himself. As long as it's bearable, you don't have to worry. But if he is strongly impatient, he will no longer think, he will start looking for bushes, corners where he can relieve himself. He will no longer care about public opinion, and he will do it even in full view of everyone. And all because this "purpose" became vital to him. That is, until the roasted rooster pecks, the person himself will not begin to do something. This has happened to me many times.

The people who lead have this theory: "Either you set goals yourself and go to them, or make you do it in a painful way"... For clarity, I will give one more example. Until the age of 29, a girl named Valya did not show any initiative to get to know someone. She always thought that a man should do it. Men approached her and made acquaintance, invited her on a date, but sooner or later she turned them off, because she had excessive demands. By the age of 30, she is still not married due to the fact that her lip is not stupid.

And then she notices that men do not come up to meet her, because they prefer younger girls. She begins to understand that she is already 30 years old, and there is still no family. And every year the chances of getting married are decreasing. And then she realizes that she can be left alone forever. This fear fetters her and makes her the first to approach men and get acquainted. But she does not know how to do this. She got used to the fact that men themselves approach her, amuse her, try to please her. And now she has to do it.

Over time, her demands on men begin to decrease, as she began to look at them in a different, softer way. Life forced me to do so. All attempts to start a family fail over and over again, because she does not know how to build relationships. Then she begins to attend trainings, seminars, read books about the psychology of men, and so on. She begins to act more and more actively, because fear does not allow her to live. And you can think of the end of this story about Valya yourself. By the way, in the comments under the article you have the opportunity to write the culmination of this story.

Where am I leading? And to the fact that if you do not force yourself to work, the Universe or someone else will force you. Our life is arranged in such a way that if a person does not develop, he degrades. This is not beneficial for our world, so she slips us problems and tasks that force us to act. This is what you need to realize. You don't want the universe to kick you, do you? She makes it very painful.

How to force yourself to do something?

There is another problem that prevents a person from forcing himself to do something. When a person goes to a goal, two things appear before his gaze: problems and a reward (end result). If problems obscure the ultimate goal in front of his gaze, he does not take steps. He thinks: "Why do I need this?"... And after unsuccessful attempts, problems more and more begin to overshadow the final positive result.

So, in order for a person to start doing something, the goal must be more problems. When a person sees only the end result, problems disappear. Man overcomes difficulties without overcoming them. As they say: "I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles"... It is this philosophy that gives a person the strength and energy to act.

And now about the main thing. In order for you to start doing something, you need to do what you like. The happiest people are those who make huge amounts of money from their hobby. A person should get satisfaction from work. Many people worked for the idea in the beginning. They didn't receive any income, they just enjoyed doing what they were doing.

And as a result, the money came to them and paid off all their efforts with interest. This is what you need to strive for. This is the best way to force yourself to do something and work.

At one time, I also worked for the idea. I created this site and started writing articles for it, uploading,. I worked for the idea for several years and I liked it. After writing another article, I felt satisfied. After I add this article, I will feel satisfied. Therefore, it is not difficult for me to work, especially now when I am making a solid profit from the site on full autopilot.

But this does not free you from routine work at all. There is always a routine and it just needs to be done. It does not happen that a person can only do what he wants. At work, they will be fired or fined for this.

At one time, when I was studying at the university, I did not want to complete the tasks that were given to us. Fortunately, I have a brother who performed them for everyone (we were divided by teams). I spent my time at the computer, working on the site. But sometimes I just had to force myself to do something. And I noticed that the appetite comes with eating. As soon as you start doing something, interest arises.

A person must receive a reward in order to continue to do what he does. Intermediate results are extremely important. If they are not there, then there will be no continuation. The person is demotivated. For example, if a person who wants to lose weight has not lost a gram of weight in a month, then he will not continue this venture. But here I advise you to experiment. If something doesn't work out, you need to change your strategy. It's very interesting to experiment. It's like a game where the goal is the result.

The last thing I will advise you is to imagine the end goal as often as possible. Dream as much as possible. Dreams motivate people, make them energetic. We are all ready to plow 25 hours a day to achieve our cherished dream. Remember your dreams always, and then the question of how to make yourself work will fall off forever from yours. Good luck to you.

how to make yourself work, how to make yourself do something?


Hello! In this article, we'll talk about how to get yourself to work.

Many people from time to time have a state of "need to start doing something", but we constantly delay the process. We can start working, then chat on social networks, flip through the feed, watch a video or read light books. It is very difficult to force yourself to work in such conditions. In this article I will try to figure out why this condition occurs, how to deal with it, and whether you can force yourself to work when necessary.

Why there is a reluctance to work

You yourself have probably noticed that sometimes you can literally work in one breath, and sometimes you feel like a squeezed lemon. The first state is the norm to which it is necessary to come. The second state is associated with internal problems and desires of the body.

In the second state, making a person work is unrealistic. He himself is glad to do something, but he cannot.

Our body spends energy for every action. It doesn't matter what you are doing: watching a movie, flipping through your social media feed, or working on a report. On all this, you spend your inner strength. And in order for the body to work at its usual pace, it needs to take energy from somewhere.

The urge to sit back comes from the fact that the job does not promise us instant gratification.

A striking example: you have a reserve of energy. It can be spent to watch a funny video on YouTube or to work. If you choose the first option, then:

  • You will spend less energy.
  • The reward will come instantly (positive emotions).

Positive emotions from the video will come almost immediately. With work, the situation is different. You need to spend your energy twice: on overcoming the reluctance to work and on the work itself. This consumption of internal energy makes you take your time, spend time on something more interesting or look for instant benefits.

We come to a simple conclusion: we do not work because our body does not want to spend extra energy. So idleness isn't so bad. It saves the necessary resources.

Now let's move on from the main reason for unwillingness to work and procrastination to psychological reasons that increase energy costs.

Psychological reasons for procrastination

In addition to the objective reason in the form of energy savings, there are also several psychological reasons why people cannot get down to work. I will give a general list of them:

  1. You don't like what you do.
  2. You are not resting properly.
  3. You are afraid that you will not succeed.

Each of these reasons, one way or another, affects energy consumption: it makes you spend much more energy.

In order to close the excessive expenditure of internal forces, you will have to solve your internal problems and contradictions.

You can do this in various ways: dig into yourself and negotiate with yourself or solve problems with the help of a psychologist - there are a huge number of ways. But you need to understand an important detail: without working with internal problems, at one point you can become a weak-willed and lazy person who cannot pull himself together and force himself to do at least something.

Simple Techniques for Making Yourself Work Here and Now

Sometimes there are times when you need to work. And in the process of swinging, we lose money, put ourselves in an uncomfortable position and in general we can completely and irrevocably disrupt the deadlines.

This usually occurs the night before the deadline. When all the deadlines have already been lost, there is only one day left, during which it is necessary to solve all the problems that have accumulated in the last week.

First way: minimum steps. For example, you need to prepare a report: find information, sort it, choose the most important thing, and in the end write it. Do a little. Write a couple of lines, make a structure, a small draft, etc. Gradually, you will immerse yourself in the work, and you will not be torn away.

I use this method a lot. I write a few paragraphs, look for some specific information, and then make coffee, after the next step - sandwiches, and then watch an interesting video on YouTube. And each time the gap between these actions becomes more and more. After a couple of hours, you can't get away from work.

Second way: work by inertia. Before starting a complex and monotonous business, start with a minimum. For example, cleaning - many people find it difficult to force themselves to clean. Start dusting: first the table, then the cabinet. Take a deep breath and carry on.

This method allows you to do monotonous things. Overcome the first resistance, start with difficulty, and then you will continue, thinking of something completely different.

Third way: do nothing for a while. Stand in the middle of the room. There should be nothing in your hands, no distractions. Spread your arms out to the sides and stand calmly. As soon as you get tired of doing nothing, you can get to work.

This method is a little weird, but it works. Suitable if you don't feel like doing anything at all. For a while, you will feel a surge of desire to do at least something. Let it be work.

Fourth way: promise yourself a reward. Before you sit down to work, promise yourself that if you successfully complete all plans, you will allow yourself something special.

I have never used this method, but many people love it. Usually, for the successful completion of the working day and the fulfillment of the plan, some promise themselves small rewards: buy sweets, go to the store, sit back, etc.

Fifth way: to make a plan. It sounds a little corny, but the steps written down on paper really help. You can write down all the mini-steps you need to take to achieve your goal. That way, you have a plan that's much easier to follow and an instant cross-off reward system.

Sixth way: try to tune in to a certain job with the help of music. The music should match the job and your own musical tastes. Before I sit down to work, I turn on the rock, I come to a state where I need to actively do something and work calmly.

For leisurely work, folk-rock, lyric or classical music is more suitable. This way helps to generate energy, tune in and makes the brain work better.

These methods will only allow you to get to work here and now. They don't solve the general problem of procrastination. We need to get to the bottom of the psychological, deep reasons and solve them.

First tip. Allow yourself to do nothing.

This is the most basic point that many people forget about. In the constant race to become the most productive, every moment a person doesn't do something, he thinks about how lazy he is and generally does everything wrong. This is fundamentally the wrong approach.

Sometimes you need to allow yourself to just sit back and satisfy momentary desires. Fancy something sweet in the middle of your workday? We got up, walked, bought, ate.

Second tip. Get proper rest.

A lot of people, even on vacation, think about work. But every such thought again requires energy from you. And in order to replenish your own energy reserves, you need to rest.

Rest is not just a change of activity. You shouldn't think that you have to do something at this time. Do what you really enjoy.

If you do not allow yourself to rest, then at one point you can face burnout. You don't have to look far for examples: just work the week at the pace your boss wants you to do. Not just 8 hours, but all 24, even thinking about work in a dream. After a week, you will realize that you are purely physically sick of everything, and you do not want to do anything.

Third tip. Go in for sports.

Your body is responsible for storing energy. It accumulates and retains in itself. A healthy and athletic person has much more internal reserves than someone who does not play sports.

I'm not talking about hard physical exercise. It is enough to exercise, not eat a lot of junk food, and at least occasionally run.

Fourth tip. Praise yourself for a good job.

Praising yourself for a job well done is one way to get energy. You can look at the list of planned and completed tasks with a sense of pride. This will be a kind of incentive: "I have done all the planned things, I am great, I can afford to mess around."

Sincere praise for the work done will make even the lazy work. Imagine the effect it would have if you were proud of yourself every day for what you did.

Fifth tip. Surround yourself with the right people.

The right people are the ones from whom you receive energy. And those who receive energy from you. It doesn't matter who it is. Much more important is how you feel about this person. You yourself noticed: talk to one person, and you are bursting with positive emotions. There should be many such people.

It's better to isolate yourself from those people who make you waste energy and feel insecure. There should be as few of them as possible.

Following these tips is not that difficult. Literally in one day, you can change your thoughts.


Everybody has a period of unwillingness to work. This is completely normal. We are not soulless machines that only have to work. Stop perceiving every moment of your idleness as something bad and wrong. Get the right rest, allow yourself to mess around sometimes, and you can be much more productive.

Life is so bright and multifaceted, there are so many interesting and unusual things around, but, alas, it is often necessary to do what you do not want at all. For example, doing some work instead of watching an interesting movie, or studying boring notes instead of going to a club with friends, or something else. How to force yourself to do what you don’t want to do? There are good ways to solve this problem without making your life a torture, but enjoying every moment of it.

How to force yourself to do something? Very often, such a problem arises when it is necessary to perform global tasks that take time and effort. When you realize the amount of work ahead, you don’t want, or rather scared, even to start, and therefore everything is postponed until “tomorrow”, “next week”, “later”, “when there will be time” and so on. At the same time, thoughts about unfinished work or an unresolved problem do not go out of my head, leaving a feeling of guilt or dissatisfaction, thereby violating

To avoid all this, global tasks should be divided into several or even many small tasks and set yourself a goal to complete one of them every certain period of time. After all, it is much easier to force yourself to do a small thing! For example, do not postpone exam preparation until the last days, and then force yourself to take three volumes of a difficult subject by storm, but break the entire volume into topics and study one every week. Thus, in small steps, you can reach a big goal.

Many women often face the problem of how to force themselves to do something around the house, if after a hard day they really want to relax or just be with their family. In many cases, you can combine a pleasant activity with a useful activity. For example, cooking will be faster and less noticeable if you are talking to your child or talking to a friend on the phone at this time. You can iron the accumulated pile of washed laundry by standing in front of the TV and watching an interesting film or program.

At first, it will be a little strange, and the desire to drop everything and sit on the sofa will prevail. But to "deceive" your brain, to captivate it with something interesting is quite the main thing - not to think about the physical work being performed, but simply to do it, distracting the consciousness with conversations and plots. This combination will allow you to do much more tedious homework in one evening and also enjoy a pleasant pastime.

Another good way to force yourself to do the right thing is to imagine the end result of your efforts. Moreover, this fantasy should be realistic, bright, colorful and inspiring.

For example, how to force yourself to do exercises? The answer is simple: regularly imagine your toned slender body, excellent mood and good spirits, good health and fullness of strength. All this can be given by morning exercises. Just half an hour a day (or at least fifteen minutes) - and this beautiful picture can become a reality.

Or another example: a highly qualified specialist, whose opinion is respected and whom they turn to for advice and help (not free of charge, of course). To do this, you need a little - open a synopsis, learn the subject and pass the exam with honors. This will be the first step towards conquering professional heights. Such reflections and dreams will help to look at the task with optimism, inspire and give strength.

How can you force yourself to do something if it's not a one-off task, but a long ongoing process? For example, boring and unloved work, having to sit at boring lectures, or something like that. Of course, it is best not to force yourself every day, but to change the place of work or profession, go to study in the specialty that is interesting, and so on. But, alas, sometimes this is impossible or problematic due to some circumstances.

In this case, you shouldn't get discouraged either! It is necessary to “colorize” as much as possible what annoys or annoys, add positive emotions and find at least something in this process that gives pleasure. For example, change your image, put on beautiful makeup, get a good haircut and go to an unloved job "in all its glory." Let your colleagues pay attention, you can even flirt a little, and then the place of work will no longer be so boring. In addition, the workspace can, if possible, be decorated with photographs of the family, pleasant knick-knacks or something that gives a positive.

Students and schoolchildren should choose beautiful, unusual or interesting stationery. It is much more pleasant to write homework or notes in a beautiful notebook with a fashionable pen! Good helpers will help brighten up your homework: a variety of bright and beautiful detergents with pleasant aromas, and so on.

If you add colors even to the most boring activity that you don't want to do, then everything will sparkle in a new light!

A very good and common piece of advice on how to force yourself to do something is to promise yourself a reward for your work. Moreover, you can reward yourself both for completing the entire task, and at each stage (when dividing into small tasks). For example: after which I had to tune in for more than one day, you can pamper yourself with a trip to the cinema. Or for a successfully passed exam - go on a weekend excursion. For morning exercises, you can reward yourself with a glass of delicious juice or fresh juice. Etc. For clarity, you can place your reward in front of your eyes or in the field of vision. For example, place a movie poster on your desktop or put a glass of juice in front of you.

The main thing in this matter is not to give yourself indulgence and not to take the reward "by force", that is, not to pamper yourself without completing the necessary.

A great solution for those who cannot bring themselves to do something can be a role model. This should be a vivid example of the successful completion of the task to which you just can't get started. For example: in order to finally take up your figure, lose a couple of extra pounds, start eating right and go in for sports, just hang a photo of a girl with the parameters you dream about on the refrigerator or in the bathroom, and every day compare your results with those that the sample has. Or, to successfully complete your work, find examples of those who have achieved high results, solving similar problems. Etc. A good example will also fill you with optimism and reveal the prospects that the completion of the task promises.

As you know, with like-minded people it is much easier, more enjoyable and faster to complete any tasks. If you can't persuade yourself on your own, then you need to find those who can keep the company and share the hardships of the difficult task. For example: how to force yourself to do it. Persuade your husband, brother, mother or someone else from the household to join. Together, this lesson will be more fun, give pleasant moments of communication and become a small family ritual, only thoughts of which will be pleasant.

Rivalry and the desire to be the best is literally “in the blood” of a person, so an excellent way to persuade yourself to do something is to turn the performance of the necessary task into a real competition. For example: how to force yourself to exercise? Agree with someone from the household, or a friend, or a neighbor and do it "race". That is, every day to report to each other, who did push-ups how many times, how many laps they ran, or how many squats they did. Thus, the inner spirit of competition will awaken, the desire to be the best, and everyone who participates in such an event will only benefit.

How to force yourself to do something if your head is constantly spinning “I don’t want to, I won’t, or maybe I don’t need to”? The human brain is a very interesting thing! He is able to both disconnect and abstract, and find unknown reserves to achieve mind-blowing goals. It all depends on the mood and self-hypnosis. If you repeat to yourself: “This is not difficult, not scary, there is something interesting in this too,” then after a while the brain will convince both itself and its “owner” that a task or work that you didn’t want to do before , really exciting, or at least not so boring or difficult.

To summarize: the hardest part is getting started. Therefore, the main advice to doubters and evasions: start - and then everything will go much easier!

Such a lazy mood can visit you not only at work, but also at home - because of it, you continue to sit in a dirty apartment, staring at the monitor, and instead of a healthy dinner, make yourself dumplings.

So, so that later not to clean up the rubble at work and at home, I offer you six ways to force yourself to do something right now, and not in the distant tomorrow.

1. Cleaning - first of all

Maybe your table is in perfect order, but during the day all the rubbish still appears on it: papers, documents, notepads and pens, cups of coffee. The first thing to do when you feel like you're stuck at work is to get out.

Lying things distract you, even if you are not aware of it, and the cleaning process itself helps to clarify your thoughts. It's the same at home. If you can't bring yourself to do something, start by cleaning: wash the dishes, make the bed, take out the trash - usually one action is enough to start the process, and you will no longer sit on the sofa until you have done everything that needs to be done.

2. Start small

Usually they advise on the contrary - to start with the most difficult and complex projects so that they do not hang like a stone in our hearts, but we have an emergency situation and a sharp decline in productivity, so difficult things will only make you procrastinate even more.

Formulate a few small tasks and put a tick in front of them in the to-do list. For example: "clean up the desktop" and "sketch out a plan for the day." When you see that something is done, your mood improves, and you can take on more difficult tasks. Easy tasks will serve as a warm-up for you, just do not get carried away: two or three tasks are enough, otherwise you will be doing nonsense all day.

3. Pick one task

Highlight one problem that needs to be solved right now, write it on a piece of paper and glue it on your laptop. Make it visible and start doing it. When you're done, write the next one and don't get distracted by anything else in the process.

4. Change location

Your workplace is saturated with melancholy and colleagues are chatting nearby, for example, Friday. Try changing places, for example, take your laptop and retire to another room or go for a walk outside (given the weather, you can also go into the corridor), while thinking about what and how you will do in the remaining time.

At home, this also helps: just go out for a walk, for example, buy yourself something in a nearby store, and return home with a ready-made plan of action.

5. Set yourself a timer

You have decided what you will do - and now set yourself a timer for 15 minutes and during this time you will completely immerse yourself in the business. Just a quarter of an hour, then you can get distracted again (you have to promise yourself this when you set the timer).

You'd be surprised how much you can get done in 15 minutes of concentration, even if your task actually takes three hours or three working days. When you see this, inspiration will wake up and the work will go.

6. The glass is always half full

No matter how little you did on this day or the previous day, try to save. See what you have done and promise yourself that you will do more tomorrow, or better, make a plan that includes everything that needs to be overcome tomorrow.

That's all, I hope the tips will help you overcome sudden laziness at work or at home.

I am 22 years old, I got married a year ago. before, when I was in school, I was very lazy never brought anything to the end, (training, study, any kind of housework) parents always scolded me that I was a bad student, that I was always a mess, etc. in fact, now I am happy with what I have: I have a good job that I dreamed of, I have a husband whom I love and he loves me, good relations with my parents. And everything seems to be fine, but there is one but. The habit of not doing anything to the end remained. At home I have a mess (I try to maintain order as much as I can, to be an exemplary wife to cook food), but it seems to me that this is not possible, I come home from work and although I do not work as a loader, I convince myself that I am very tired and I want nothing to lie around not to do and it is not justice that kills me that I have to clean everything, cook, wash, etc. my husband does not swear (although I see that it annoys him) when he wants to make at least some small remark, I start to get nervous (although I know that he is right and it infuriates). Therefore, the house is always not cleaned, I have even ceased to be ashamed of guests. (Sometimes it seems to me that I just do not like living in this apartment, although I doubt that the reason is this. Now with regard to my job. I got the job I dreamed of. I generally noticed that when you really want something and believe in what it is it will come true, but that’s not the point. Let's go back to work. Because of my work, I got the opportunity to do interesting things, get to know people I wanted so much. Besides, the position is a managerial one. Many of my friends and classmates even envy me. But the problem is the fact that at any job, even including the one I dreamed about, my fuse quickly ends. Although I understand the importance of the unfinished work, I can postpone everything until the very end and then I have no time to do anything, although I could have done everything earlier, despite the fact that I sit and belittle myself to do it. I am also not very happy with my appearance. not that I have problems but I wanted to look better but I'm too lazy to go to sports I constantly find excuses for myself the gym is the wrong teacher the wrong teacher and so on. I understand and every day I start from a new page, but the next day everything comes back again. P.S. I am very envious of energetic people. I only had 3 times in my life when I fell into a fast rhythm and had time for everything and everywhere, but I fell out afterwards and could not return (