Fairy tale cold heart in contraction. Wilhelm Gauf is a cold heart. Description and meaning of the tale of Wilhelm Hauff "Frozen"

Wilhelm Hauf. Its main idea is to instill in children tolerance and empathy for other people, in particular for the main character of the tale. You can start a story on the topic "Gauf" Little Muck ": a summary" with the fact that a certain boy from the city of Nicaea, along with his friends, loved to listen to amazing stories. They were told by a very wise old dwarf man.

His name was Little Muck. The summary in the sequel indicates that then the boy grew up and began to retell the stories of the dwarf, as if he himself was observing what was happening from the side. After all, he met Little Muk as a child, and he was a very funny and awkward person. His body was tiny, and his head was huge, larger than that of ordinary people.

"Little Muck": summary

He lived completely alone in his big house. He went out very rarely, mostly walking on the flat roof of his mansion.

Seeing, the children often teased him, tugged at his robe, stepped on his huge shoes. Once our narrator also participated in this impartial action, for which Little Muk complained to the tomboy's father. Although the boy was punished, he learned the story of the dwarf.

His real name was Mukra. His father was a poor man, but respected. They lived in the city of Nicaea. Since Muck was a dwarf, he was almost always at home. The father did not love his son because of his ugliness, so he did not teach him anything. When his father died, Muk was 16 years old, all of his inheritance - including the house - went to pay off debts. Flour got only the things of his father.

In search of happiness

The summary of the tale "Little Muk" continues its development by the fact that the poor guy went to wander and seek his happiness. It was hard for him, he was tormented by hunger and thirst, and, finally, one day he came to the city, in which he saw an old woman - Mrs. Ahavzi. She invited everyone who wanted to eat. But for some reason only cats and dogs came running to her from all around.

The emaciated dwarf also decided to approach. He told her his sad story, and she kept him with her so that he would look after her pets, which the old woman had a lot. But soon the animals became so insolent that, as soon as the old woman went about her business, they immediately began to smash everything around. And then they complained that Little Muck did it. The summary tells that the old woman, of course, believed her beloved wards.

Magic trophies

And then one day, when the dwarf was in Mrs. Ahavzi's room, the cat broke a vase there. Muk realized that he could not bear his head and ran away from her house, taking his grandmother's wand and shoes, as his own had already completely worn out. After all, she did not pay him anyway.

As it turned out later, these things were magical. As soon as he turned on his heel three times, he was where he wanted. And the cane helped to look for treasures.

Flourish Walker

Muck reached the nearest town and became a runner for the king. At first, everyone laughed at him until they saw how he first came to the finish line in the competition. Then everyone in the kingdom hated him. And the dwarf decided that he could receive their love through money, and began to distribute silver and gold, which he found with the help of his magic wand. But this did not happen, on the contrary, he was accused of theft and was put in prison. So that he would not be executed, he told the king his secret about shoes and a stick, then Little Flour was released, but his things were taken away.


The summary of the story "Little Muk" will tell us further that the poor dwarf went to travel again. And suddenly he found two date trees with ripe fruits, which he decided to feast on. Having tasted the fruits from one tree, he felt how donkey ears and a huge nose had grown; after eating the fruits of another tree, everything was gone. Mook then decided to go back to town to trade these funny fruits. The chief cook at the court gathered dates and fed them to all the courtiers along with the king. Everyone liked the great taste of dates, but when they discovered their ugliness, they got scared and began to urgently look for doctors.


Little Muk, disguised as a healer, came to the palace and healed one of the servants depicted. Then the king promised him a lot of money. But he chose shoes and a wand, tore off his beard and instantly disappeared.

The king saw that it was Little Muck. The summary ends with him leaving the king forever a freak. Since then, the wise dwarf has lived in the city where the boys teased him, but after the story told, they stopped laughing at him, and even on the contrary, began to respect and bow to him when they met.

Wilhelm Hauf

Cold heart

If you ever get to Sw a biyu, then do not forget to look into Shv a rtswald, which means "Black Forest". The Black Forest people inhabiting this area are very different from those in the rest of Germany. They are tall, broad-shouldered, and have strong arms and legs. All this gives them the aroma of tall fir trees, which they inhale since childhood. They breathe more freely than the inhabitants of the surrounding valleys, and see sharper, and their character is firmer, although severe.

The people of the Black Forest in Baden dress the most beautifully. Black jackets, wide-brimmed hats that fall in narrow folds, and pointed hats, framed by wide brims, give their appearance something foreign and at the same time serious and even respectable. All of them, as a rule, are engaged in the manufacture of glass and watches.

The Black Forest people live at a distance from them, with different customs and habits.

These Black Forest traders are timber traders. They cut and chop down trees and float them far, far away - to Holland: there, by the sea, they know these Black Forest people with their long rafts very well. On the way, they stop near cities and importantly wait for buyers on their logs. But they sell the longest barrels to the Dutch for heavy gold - the Dutch build ships from them.

Rafters wear jackets made of dark linen, green, palm-wide, bridles through the chest and black leather pants. A brass ruler always peeks out of a trouser pocket - the rafters' distinctive mark.

But most of all they are proud of their huge boots. There are no such high boots in any corner of the earth! These boots are stretched above the knees, and rafters can wander in them in deep water.

Such are the inhabitants of the Black Forest.

Until recently, they all believed in forest spirits. And these spirits also dressed in different ways. They assured, for example, that a small glass man, a kind forest gnome three human feet in height, does not appear otherwise than in a pointed hat with wide brim, a caftan, wide trousers and red stockings. But Dutch-M and hel, a broad-shouldered giant, wears rafting clothes. It is said that more than one bovine hide went into his boots. "They are so huge that an ordinary person will fit into them headlong!" - say the Black Forest.

One very strange story is connected with this Dutchman-Michel and the glass man. I also want to tell you about it.

A widow lived in the Black Forest - Frau B a rbara munch. Her husband was a coal miner, and when he died, the widow began to teach her sixteen-year-old son to this craft.

Like any coal miner, Peter had time to think. And when he sat alone by the crackling fire, the silence of the forest and huge trees set him up for sad thoughts.

It was as if he saw his father sitting near a smoky fire where coals were burned, he saw his father black, covered in soot, disgusting people.

An incomprehensible longing crept into his heart. Something saddened him, angered him - he himself could not understand what!

Finally, Peter realized that the title of coal miner was what depressed him so much.

Black reclusive coal miner! Beggarly life! he whispered to himself. - How respected by all glassmakers, watchmakers, even musicians on Sunday evening!

The raftsmen of the forest also aroused envy in Peter. Hanging with silver trinkets, in rich clothes, they sat in the inn, stretching out their legs, and watched the dancers. They smoked thin Cologne pipes and dropped catchy Dutch words through their teeth. When Peter looked at them, they seemed to him the happiest people on earth!

He was especially struck by the three - Peter did not know which of them to envy more.

One of them was a fat man with a red face. He was considered the first rich man in the area and was very lucky. His name was Fat Yezekhil. Twice a year he rafted his timber to Amsterdam, and each time he sold it at the highest price.

The second was the longest and thinnest man in the entire Black Forest. He was nicknamed the Lanky Sharkun.

In the cramped tavern, Lanky took up more space than four fat men. Because he always put his elbows on the table. Or climbed up on the bench. And no one ever contradicted him, because he was also fabulously rich.

The third was a handsome young man. He danced the best, and that is why he was nicknamed the King of Dances.

“If I were rich, like Fat Yezekhil, or brave and strong, like the Lanky Sharkun, or as famous as the King of Dances! .. - thought Peter. - And where do they only get money?

When Peter's father was alive, the poor often came to visit them. They talked for a long time with their father about who and how they got rich. In conversations, the Glass Man living in the forest was continually mentioned. Peter even knew the beginning of the spell this dwarf was responding to.

It began like this:

The kind gnome in the spruce forest.
Keeping treasure under the roots.
Answer at least a word ...

Once Peter brought his mother to talk about this, but she also remembered only what Peter himself knew. And she also said that the Glass Dwarf is only shown to those born on Sunday at noon. Peter probably would have seemed a dwarf, because he was born on Sunday, exactly at twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Poor Peter! When he found out about this, he was terribly happy and proud.

Knowing the beginning of the spell, and even being born on Sunday, isn't that enough to see the Glass Man?

And then one day, having sold his coals, he put on his father's jacket, new red stockings and a Sunday hat, took his long stick and said goodbye to his mother.

I need to get to town, ”he lied.

In fact, he did not go to the city, but to the Great Spruce Hill. This hill is the highest place in the Black Forest. In those days, there was not a single village, not a single hut far around.

Peter was terrified in this forest - he could not hear human steps here, even the birds avoided this place.

The coal miner Peter had reached the top of the Spruce Hill and now stood under a tall, immense spruce. For such a spruce, the Dutch shipbuilders dumped would have at home more than one hundred guilders.

“Somewhere here, probably, the Master of the forest treasures lives,” thought Peter.

He took off his hat, made a deep bow in front of the tree, cleared his throat and said in a trembling voice:

Have a nice evening, Mr. Gnome!

There was no answer. There was deathly silence around.

Wilhelm Hauff's tale "Frozen" may well be attributed to parables. Even the final words of the protagonist that it is better to be content with little than to have wealth with a cold heart echoes the Gospel lines: "The little of the righteous is better than the wealth of many sinners." But in order to comprehend in full the meaning of such statements, one must either be born unusually wise, or go through a lot in life.

For inexperienced people, especially young people, it seems that if you have wealth you can fulfill your most cherished dreams. In fact, for happiness, it is never useful for anyone to have everything that the soul desires. Lack of motivation to be active in life, to strive for self-improvement - these are the main fruits of excessive abundance of wealth. In most cases, people only think that having received everything they want, they will be happy and grateful to fate.

The hero of the fairy tale Peter Munch, with the help of wizards, visited the place of those people whose fate he envied. But as a result, it turned out that only the type of work that was familiar to him from an early age could bring him stable prosperity, respect from acquaintances, friends, neighbors. To work as a coal miner, Peter had both the skills and the dexterity. And for the successful management of the glass factory, Peter was not smart enough. Anyone can walk around the enterprise with a pout, but not everyone is capable of doing business in such a way as to have a profit, and not bankruptcy.

A cold, stone heart is a metaphorical reflection of people who have lost their humanity in their well-being. In order to become a kind of Peter Munch with a stone heart instead of a living one, it is not at all necessary to meet the terrible giant Michel Dutch. It is enough to pick up one of the stupid commonplace maxims like "all women are bitches" or "all men are libertines and drunkards." Anyone who picks up this kind of idea, making it the main guideline of life - consider that he has already replaced his living heart with a stone one. There is no doubt that on the road of life, everyone can meet bad people, be deceived in their dreams and hopes because of meeting with scammers, pretenders, dissolute scoundrels. But this does not mean that the whole world consists exclusively of rotten natures!

It is also true that in order to more often meet good and justice in life, one must be kind and just oneself. Nobody says that in search of goodness and justice one should be naive and trusting. On the contrary, attention to the advice of wise people, reasonable caution when falling into unknown circumstances - always help people of good will to avoid the effects of evil. But letting your living heart turn stone, trusting in dirty formulas is a terrible mistake!

How many people have lost the chance to be happy due to the fact that, having received a negative experience from meeting with spoiled people, they could not timely discern their real soul mate, their real luck! In order to prevent this from happening, it is important not to allow any harmful idea to get used to the soul. You cannot trust those who advise replacing a living heart with a stone one!

The Black Forest coal miner, whom everyone knew as Peter Munch, seemed to be a smart fellow, but for some reason he began to show a craving for the craft, inherited by his father, who was unprofitable and not honorable. Of everything that came to mind in terms of how to get enough money and as quickly as possible, Peter didn’t like a single idea. One day he recalls an old and already forgotten legend, which speaks of a glass man. Peter decides to summon him, but to his great disappointment he cannot remember the last two lines. In the village where the woodcutters lived, he heard a story about Michel the Giant, who bestows wealth, demanding an unnecessarily large payment for him. Time passes and Peter still remembers the forgotten lines from the spell of the defiant glass man, but at this time he meets Michel, who seems to have promised wealth, but as soon as Peter decided to run away, he immediately threw his hook at him. Fortunately, Peter managed to run to the border of Michel's possessions and therefore the hook shattered to pieces, but a snake suddenly appeared from one, which was killed by a capercaillie who was nearby.

As it turned out later, it was not a capercaillie, it was a glass man. He gives his word to fulfill Peter's three wishes and he quickly thinks: be able to dance beautifully, be rich, like the richest city dweller, and ... Only Peter wanted to make the last third wish, as the glass man stopped him and offered to leave him, but at the same time he gave enough money in order to open their own glass factory.
Peter soon lost interest in the working glass factory and started all business. All his time he was at the gaming table. One day, the richest city dweller, and he was fat Ezekila, ran out of all the money and at the same time, Peter was also left with empty pockets.
Michel the Giant was able to give Peter enough gold and coins, but he took a human heart from him, giving in return one made of stone. This money-changer had huge shelves on which the hearts of many rich people were laid out.

However, money and wealth did not make Peter happy. He had a cold heart, and one day, he struck his wife, who gave a passing traveler wine and some bread. This passer-by turned out to be a glass man. The wife then left Peter. The time has come to use the third wish, left "for later." Peter really wanted to have his old and hot human heart again.
The glass man suggested to Peter how he could return his own heart.
Peter went to the giant and said that he would never believe that Michel could take his heart from him. Then the giant put a warm heart back into his chest, and Peter, not frightened, refused to return it any more. In vain the giant tried to send all the elements on him, they only helped Peter escape. When Mikhel realized that he would not reach his victim, he became small - no larger than a worm.

After that, Peter, having met the glass man, wanted to die and end his worthless life. But the glass man brought not an ax, but a mother and wife. Peter's posh and wealthy house was gone - it burned down. There was no wealth left, and a new one appeared on the site of the old father's house.
Peter had a son, the glass man brought his last gift - the cones picked up in the forest turned into thalers.

The summary of the tale "Frozen" was retold by A.S. Osipova.

Please note that this is only a summary of the literary work "Cold Heart". Many important points and quotes are missing in this summary.

Wilhelm Hauf

"Cold heart"

A poor coal miner from the Black Forest, Peter Munch, "not stupid fellow", began to feel burdened by a marginal and, it seems, not at all honorable craft inherited from his father. However, of all the ideas of how to suddenly get a lot of money, he did not like any. Remembering the old legend about the Glass Man, he tries to summon it, but forgets the last two lines of the spell. In the village of woodcutters, he is told a legend about Michel the Giant, who gives wealth, but demands a large payment for them. When Peter finally remembered the whole text of the challenge of the Glass Man, he was met by Michel, who at first promised riches, but when Peter tried to escape, he threw his hook at him. Fortunately, Peter ran to the border of his households, and the hook broke, and a huge capercaillie killed the snake, which turned into one of the chips flying off the hook.

It turned out that this was not a capercaillie at all, but a Glass Man. He promised to fulfill three wishes, and the guy decided to dance well, always have in his pocket the same amount of money as the richest man in their city, a glass factory. The third desire The Glass Man, disappointed with so much material desires, advised to leave it "for later", but he gave money to open the plant. But Peter soon launched the plant, and spent all the time at the gambling table. Once Tolstoy Ezekil (the richest man in the city) did not have money in his pocket - therefore, Peter ended up with nothing ... Michel the Giant gave him a lot of hard coins, but in return he took his living heart hearts of many rich people), and inserted a stone into his chest.

But money did not bring happiness to Peter with a cold heart, and after he hit his wife Lisbeth, who gave a cup of wine and a loaf of bread to an old man passing by (it was the Glass Man), and she disappeared, it was time for a third desire: Peter wanted to regain his warm heart ... The Glass Man taught him how to do this: the guy told Michel that he did not believe that he had taken his heart, and that for the sake of checking, he inserted it back. The brave Munch, whose hot heart was harder than a stone, was not afraid of the Giant, and when he one after the other sent elements (fire, water, ...) to him, an unknown force carried Peter out of the domain of Michel, and the giant himself became as small as a worm.

Having met the Glass Man, Munch wanted to die in order to end his shameful life, but instead of an ax he brought him a mother and wife. Peter's luxurious house burned down, there was no wealth, but a new one stood in the place of his father's old house. And when the son of the Munk was born, the Glass Man presented his last gift: the cones picked up by Peter in his forest turned into brand new thalers. Retold Mouse

Peter Munch inherited from his father the unprofitable and not at all honorable craft of the coal miner. There were many ideas for making big money, but none of them attracted the poor coal miner. The guy remembers the Glass Man and wants to call him, but he forgot the last two lines.

In the village, Peter was told the legend about Michel the Giant, who gives away wealth, but the price is too high. Peter met Michel at the moment when he remembered the last lines for calling the Glass Man. Mikhel at first promised incredible wealth. Peter decided to run away, but Mikhel threw a hook at him. The guy managed to escape, the hook broke. Only one splinter that flew off turned into a snake. Yes, and that was overtaken and killed by a large capercaillie.

And it was not a capercaillie at all, but a Glass Man, who made a promise to fulfill three wishes. The guy wanted to dance perfectly, always have a lot of money in his pocket, be the owner of a glass factory. The glass man was upset by the material side of Peter's desires. Two wishes were fulfilled, and the third should have been postponed. Only money was given to open the plant.

However, the plant was soon abandoned, as Peter spent all his time playing games. The richest man in the city was Fat Ezekiel, but the time came when his pockets were also emptied. They also became empty at Peter's. The giant helped out, gave a lot of coins, but in return he took the guy's heart, and there was a stone in his chest. The shelves of Michel's dwelling were filled with jars of rich hearts. Happiness did not come to Peter with money. His cold heart brought only misfortune. Peter hit his wife for serving a loaf of bread and a cup of wine to an old man passing by. After that he never saw Lisbeth. After all, it was the Glass Man.

The time has come for the third wish. Now Peter wanted to get his warm heart back. From the Glass Man, he received advice on what steps to take. Munch came to Michel and expressed his doubt that he could take his heart. Mikhel decided to check and put the guy's heart back. Peter's hot heart was harder than stone. The guy was not afraid of the villain even when he sent one element after another at him. Some force carried the guy out of the Giant's possessions, and the villain himself became very small, like a worm.

When he met the Glass Man, Peter was ready to die, but he did not bring him an ax, but returned his wife and mother. Peter's big house burned down, there was no wealth, but there was happiness. Where the old father's house was, a new one has grown. A son was born. The Glass Man made the last gift, he turned the cones collected by Peter in the forest into thalers.